Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Financial Institution Systems

Status: Existing

Description: Systems used by banking and financial institutions that are used by ITS systems to perform various banking transactions (e.g., funds transfers, credit card account management).

Stakeholder: Financial Institutions

Systems Interconnected
with the Financial Institution Systems

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Financial Institution Systems:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Financial Institution Systems:

Financial Institution Systems flows into icon City of Gainesville Regional Transit System Financial Institution Systems flows into icon Florida Human Service Agencies Financial Institution Systems flows into icon Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Financial Institution Systems flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systems Financial Institution Systems flows into icon JTA U2C Management System Financial Institution Systems flows into icon SunPass Customer Service Center Financial Institution Systems flows into icon Sunshine Bus Company Dispatch City of Gainesville Regional Transit Systemflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems Florida Human Service Agenciesflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Centerflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systemsflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems JTA U2C Management Systemflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems SunPass Customer Service Centerflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems Sunshine Bus Company Dispatchflows into iconFinancial Institution Systems

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Financial Institution Systems:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Financial Institution Systems:

Last Updated 2/3/2025