Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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JTA U2C Management System

Status: Planned

Description: The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Ultimate Urban Circulator (U2C) Management System is an automated vehicle system to be implemented in four major phases. Phase 1 is the Bay Street Innovation Corridor from Adams Street to Gator Bowl Boulevard and will deploy 15 electric automated vehicles (EAV). Automation Avenue will convert existing Skyway from the Operations Center to the JRTC/Convention Center station to a test track for EAVs. Phase 3 includes conversion of the existing Skyway superstructure to an EAV system with ramps to at–grade streets and local neighborhood service in San Marco, Riverside and Springfield. Phase 4 proposes to construct a new bridge over the St. Johns River to complete a loop for the U2C service and provide a pedestrian bridge between the Sports Center and the Southbank Riverwalk.

Stakeholder: Jacksonville Transportation Authority

Systems Interconnected
with the JTA U2C Management System

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include JTA U2C Management System:

Architecture Flows
to/from the JTA U2C Management System:

JTA U2C Management System flows into icon Financial Institution Systems JTA U2C Management System flows into icon Jacksonville RTC JTA U2C Management System flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systems JTA U2C Management System flows into icon JTA U2C EAV JTA U2C Management System flows into icon JTA Web Site JTA U2C Management System flows into icon Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices JTA U2C Management System flows into icon Transit Kiosks City of Jacksonville Traffic Management Centerflows into iconJTA U2C Management System Financial Institution Systemsflows into iconJTA U2C Management System Jacksonville RTCflows into iconJTA U2C Management System Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systemsflows into iconJTA U2C Management System JTA U2C EAVflows into iconJTA U2C Management System JTA Web Siteflows into iconJTA U2C Management System Private Travelers Personal Computing Devicesflows into iconJTA U2C Management System Transit Kiosksflows into iconJTA U2C Management System

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the JTA U2C Management System:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with JTA U2C Management System:

Last Updated 2/3/2025