FDOT Express Lanes
Project Description: This project will deploy express lanes on area highways. Expressways will include dynamic tolling. This is a generic project that can be used for any express lanes–scoped project.
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Clay County Signal Control System - TMC Demand Management Coordination
1: The center shall collect and store toll pricing data from payment administration centers, including the price for each road segment to which a toll applies, with the time and date for when it applies.
5: The center shall send requests to payment administration centers to change pricing, modify restrictions, or modify operations of a toll road facility.
Clay County Signal Control System - TMC Regional Traffic Management
1: The center shall exchange traffic information with other traffic management centers including incident information, congestion data, traffic data, signal timing plans, and real-time signal control information.
Clay County Signal Control System - TMC Traffic Management Decision Support
1: The center shall provide center personnel with an integrated regional view of current and forecast road and traffic conditions including traffic incidents, special events, maintenance activities and other events or conditions that impact capacity or demand.
2: The center shall identify network imbalances and potential courses of action.
3: The center shall compare the impact of potential courses of action and make recommendations to the operator.
4: The recommended actions shall include predefined incident response plans, signal timing plan changes, DMS/HAR messages, lane control strategies and freeway control strategies including ramp metering, interchange metering, and mainline metering.
6: The center shall provide an interface to center personnel to input control parameters for the decision support process and receive recommended actions and supporting information presentation.
7: The center shall provide transportation operational strategies to other centers.
FDOT District 2 Field Equipment - Roadway HOV Control
3: The field element shall include freeway control devices, such as ramp signals and mainline metering and other systems associated with freeway operations that control use of HOV lanes, under center control.
FDOT District 2 RTMC - TMC Basic Surveillance
1: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
2: The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
FDOT District 2 RTMC - TMC Demand Management Coordination
1: The center shall collect and store toll pricing data from payment administration centers, including the price for each road segment to which a toll applies, with the time and date for when it applies.
FDOT District 2 RTMC - TMC HOV Lane Management
2: The center shall remotely control driver information systems to notify users of lane status for lanes that become HOV or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes during certain times of the day on freeways.
3: The center shall remotely control freeway control devices, such as ramp signals and mainline metering and other systems associated with freeway operations that control use of HOV lanes.
FDOT District 2 RTMC - TMC Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
3: The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.).
FDOT District 2 RTMC - TMC Traffic Management Decision Support
1: The center shall provide center personnel with an integrated regional view of current and forecast road and traffic conditions including traffic incidents, special events, maintenance activities and other events or conditions that impact capacity or demand.
2: The center shall identify network imbalances and potential courses of action.
3: The center shall compare the impact of potential courses of action and make recommendations to the operator.
4: The recommended actions shall include predefined incident response plans, signal timing plan changes, DMS/HAR messages, lane control strategies and freeway control strategies including ramp metering, interchange metering, and mainline metering.
FDOT Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment - Roadway Toll Collection Support
1: The field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support toll payment transactions.
FTE SunPass Toll Collection System - Roadway Toll Collection Support
1: The field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support toll payment transactions.
SunPass Customer Service Center - PAC Payment Administration
1: The center shall manage toll transactions, including maintaining a log of all transactions and toll pricing structure information.
2: The center shall dynamically price tolls based on current traffic condition information.
3: The center shall provide secure user account management, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.
4: The center shall register vehicles for road or parking use payment, establishing accounts that identify owner billing information and preferences.
5: For electronic toll payments requiring financial payment, the center shall process the financial information from ITS roadway payment equipment and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.
6: The center shall manage a local billing database for toll customers.
7: The center shall manage the details of toll payment violations based on vehicle information from the ITS roadway payment equipment, registration information from the Department of Motor Vehicles, invalid payment information from a Financial Institution, and previous violation information stored locally, and report such violations to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
8: The center shall calculate traffic flow based on timestamped toll transactions for vehicle travel between successive toll plazas and send to other agencies.
9: The center shall respond to changes in toll prices from the Payment Administrator.
10: The center shall exchange data with other payment administration agencies to coordinate toll transactions and pricing.
11: The center shall report payment violations including vehicle information and vehicle image to the designated Enforcement Agency.
12: The center shall register users for an electronic payment system, establishing accounts that identify owner billing information and preferences.
13: The center shall provide secure user account management for the electronic payment system, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.
14: This center shall maintain and publish the prices for the electronic payment system.
15: The center shall provide the HOT pricing information, including variable pricing based on calendar, time of day, vehicle type and passenger occupancy.
16: The center shall receive traveler payment information and compute the cost of using the portion of the transportation system.
17: The center shall process and clear payments from travelers and vehicle owners.
18: The center shall coordinate with payment administration centers that serve as a clearing house for a regional payment system in order to perform payment reconciliation.
19: The center shall exchange data with other payment administration centers in order to coordinate electronic payments systems use and pricing.
20: The center shall report enforcement agency of detected HOV or HOT lane entry violations including vehicle information and documents the lane parameter that was violated.
21: The center shall provide toll pricing information to other transportation centers.
22: The center shall exchange data with emergency centers to coordinate the modification of tolls in specific circumstances.
SunPass Customer Service Center - PAC Road Pricing Administration
1: The center shall set up accounts for drivers to pay for low emission zone entry fees.
2: The center shall provide the status of an electronic payment transaction provided directly to the driver via sign or other roadside infrastructure.
3: The center shall notify enforcement agency of a low emission zone entry payment violation.
4: This center shall maintain and publish road use prices, as configured by the Payment Administrator.
5: The center shall receive road pricing data (time stamped log of roadways used by the vehicle) and compute the total cost to the vehicle owner.
6: The center shall calculate road use charges based on the vehicle's mileage, roads traveled, time periods, emissions profile for make/model, fuel economy for make/model, weight, number of axles/tires, or other policies.
7: The center shall access and use registration and odometer information from the DMV to verify and audit collected road pricing data
8: The center shall process and clear payments from vehicle owners and operators as well as payments to other Center Road Pricing Payment Administration through clearing houses provided by financial institutions.
9: The center shall coordinate with other Road Pricing Payment Administration systems to reconcile and apportion payments for vehicles registered in other jurisdictions
10: The center shall monitor the operational status of road pricing field equipment and identify equipment faults.
11: The center shall provide secure road pricing user account management, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.
Vehicles - Light Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment
1: The vehicle shall respond to requests from toll collection equipment for credit identity, stored value card cash, etc.
3: The vehicle shall provide an interface to the driver to make requests for advance payments of tolls, parking, and transit fares and present the status of electronic payment transactions.
4: The vehicle shall provide an interface with the traveler card / payment instrument carried on-board the vehicle - to exchange identity information and payment transactions.
5: The vehicle shall present payment information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
Vehicles - Light Vehicle Payment Service
1: The vehicle shall track and record its timestamped location and report this Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) data.
5: The vehicle shall provide payment information on request under control of the vehicle owner/operator.
6: The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of roadways used and the estimated cost of roadways when requested by the vehicle operator.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/3/2025