FDOT District 2
Description: Represents Florida Department of Transportation District 2, Northeast Florida, which includes Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee, Taylor, and Union counties.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Management for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 2 TMC.
BayJax Wayfinding and Event Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to wayfinding kiosks and smart phone apps.
Emergency Management for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Coordinate incident response and reporting with the county sheriff/fire/EMS/EOC, local police/fire/EMS, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Dispatch FDOT District 2 Road Ranger Service Patro Vehicles.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and re-entry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 2 (and other Districts).
- Receive AMBER Alerts. Silver Alerts, and LEO Alerts from the FDLE.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT maintenance yards, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT District 2 Railroad Advanced Notification System Roles and Responsibilities
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the EOC/warning points.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways and state roadways , including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
- Coordinate with Freight Railroad Operators to recieve railroad schedules and provides travel time estimate.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on highways, such as DMS devices, and through private traveler information providers, jax511.com and Florida 511.
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide traffic surveillance.
FDOT Express Lanes Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the EOC/warning points.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with lane control signals on FDOT highways.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Provide traffic information to travelers using DMS devices.
- Operate express lanes on FDOT highways, including coordinating with FTE for dynamic tolling.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
FDOT RWIS Roles and Responsibilities
- Distribute environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and to county and city maintenance agencies.
- Collect environmental data from environmental sensors.
Gainesville TDM Roles and Responsibilities
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with lane control signals on FDOT highways.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Provide traffic information to travelers using DMS devices.
- Operate express lanes on FDOT highways, including coordinating with FTE for dynamic tolling.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
Highway Management for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the EOC/warning points.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with lane control signals on FDOT highways.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
I-75 Floridas Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME) Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide traffic surveillance.
- Distribute traffic information to other systems to distribute to the traveling public.
I-75 ITS Corridor Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the City of Jacksonville traffic engineering division.
Incident Management (Emergency) for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Coordinate incident response and reporting with the county sheriff/fire/EMS/EOC, local police/fire/EMS, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/Warning Point and from the FDOT District 2 EOC.
- Receive requests for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS/sheriff, local police/fire/EMS, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 2 EOC.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the EOC/warning points.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff offices, the FHP, Road Rangers Service Patrols, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/po
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/Warning Point and from the FDOT District 2 EOC.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 2 Construction and Maintenance offices, and the county and city public works departments.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Dispatch FDOT Road Ranger vehicles to incidents within the region.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff offices, the FHP, Road Rangers Service Patrols, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/po
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) and highway advisory radio (HAR) equipment, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
Information Dissemination for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Provide traffic information to travelers using jax511.com, Florida 511, private information service providers, and the media.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to JTA transit operations.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on highways, such as DMS devices, and through private traveler information providers, jax511.com and Florida 511.
jax511.com Real-Time Transit Data Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traveler information to travelers via jax511.com, Florida 511, private traveler information providers, and the media.
jax511.com Transit Schedule Data Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traveler information to travelers via jax511.com, Florida 511, private traveler information providers, and the media.
JTA AVL Probe Data Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the EOC/warning points.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with lane control signals on FDOT highways.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Collect vehicle probe informaiton from transit vehicles.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
Maintenance and Construction for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Provide regional state highway maintenance, including pavement maintenance and construction activities, such as infrastructure monitoring.
- Receive requests for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS/sheriff, local police/fire/EMS, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 2 EOC.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with county and local maintenance agencies, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction agencies, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Distribute environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and to county and city maintenance agencies.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, as well as monitor work zone safety using FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to regional maintenance and construction operations and to the traveling public using portable DMS equipment.
Nassau County Regional Traveler Information Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using jax511.com, Florida 511, private information service providers, and the media.
Traffic Signal Control for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the City of Jacksonville traffic engineering division.
- Coordinate traffic information with counties and cities in the District.
Traveler Information for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler ISPs in the region.
- Provide traffic information (i.e., road network conditions) to local emergency management providers, such as local fire/EMS/police, the FHP, county sheriff’s office, etc..
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS equipment.
- Provide traffic information to travelers via jax511.com, Florida 511, private traveler information providers, and the media.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public through the FDOT District 2 portable DMS equipment.
Last Updated 2/3/2025