City of Jacksonville Sheriffs Office
Description: Law enforcement provider for the City of Jacksonville and Duval County.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Management for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Collect and archive crash information from City of Jacksonville Sheriffs vehicles and/or City of jacksonville Sheriffs dispatch.
- Coordinate crash archived data with the FDHSMV CARS archive.
BayJax Public Safety and Surveillance Roles and Responsiblities
- Recieve incident notification from sensors that detect gunshots, gases or chemicals.
- Facilitate coordination with first responders and traffic management.
BayJax Wayfinding and Event Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Receive and respond to alarms from wayfinding kiosks in City of Jacksonville.
Emergency Management for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Suggest routes to sheriff vehicles in response to emergencies and track sheriff vehicles to incidents.
- Respond to transit emergencies/alarms on JTA vehicles or at JTA transit facilities.
- Receive early warning information and threat infromation from the county EOC.
- Receive AMBER Alerts, Silver Alerts, LEO Alerts and other wide area information from the FDLE.
- Coordinate regional emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans.
- Coordinate emergency response with the county EOC, the FHP, other county sheriffs, and other local police.
Incident Management (Emergency) for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Dispatch county sheriff vehicles to incidents in Jacksonville.
- Participate in incident response, coordination and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with Jacksonville Fire and Rescue, other county sheriffs and fire/EMS, the county EOC, the FHP, and other local police and fire/EMS agencies.
- Coordinate public safety resources for incident response with regional traffic agencies, including FDOTDistrict 2 and county and city agencies.
- Coordinate maintenance resources in response to incidents with City of Jacksonville Maintenance, county and city PWDs, and FDOT District 2 Maintenance.
Last Updated 2/3/2025