BayJax Wayfinding and Event Management Project
Project Description: BayJax Wayfinding and Event Management: Roadside kiosks and smart phone applications will provide information for residents and visitors to optimize their route and minimize congestion. The kiosks will also provide Wi–Fi, charging stations, emergency call buttons and event information.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
City of Jacksonville Sheriffs Dispatch - Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support
1: The center shall collect silent and audible alarms received from travelers in secure areas (such as transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities).
3: After the alarm message has been received, the center shall generate an alarm acknowledgment to the sender.
4: After the alarm message becomes a verified incident, the center shall determine the appropriate response.
5: The center shall determine whether the alarm message indicates an emergency that requires the attention of public safety agencies, and forward alarm message data to the appropriate agency as necessary.
6: The center shall forward the alarm message to center personnel and respond to the traveler or transit vehicle operator as directed by the personnel.
Jacksonville Wayfinding Kiosks - Traveler Information Reception
1: The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler.
2: The public interface for travelers shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler.
6: The public interface for travelers shall provide the capability for digitized map data to act as the background to the information presented to the traveler.
7: The public interface for travelers shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.
8: The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.
Jacksonville Wayfinding Kiosks - Traveler Interactive Information
1: The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
2: The public interface for travelers shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
3: The public interface for travelers shall receive yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
4: The public interface for travelers shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
9: The public interface for travelers shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.
10: The public interface for travelers shall support interactive traveler input in audio or manual form.
11: The public interface for travelers shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.
Jacksonville Wayfinding Kiosks - Traveler Security
1: The public interface for travelers shall provide the capability for a traveler to report an emergency and summon assistance from secure areas such as transit stops, transit stations, modal transfer facilities, rest stops, park-and-ride areas, travel information areas, and emergency pull off areas.
2: When initiated by a traveler, the public interface for travelers shall forward a request for assistance to an emergency management function and acknowledge the request.
4: The public interface for travelers shall accept input and provide information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
Jacksonville Wayfinding Kiosks - Traveler Trip Planning
1: The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler to support trip planning.
2: The public interface for transit shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler to support trip planning.
3: The public interface for travelers shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler to support trip planning.
4: The public interface for travelers shall base requests to support trip planning on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.
5: The public interface for travelers shall support traveler trip planning input in audio or manual form.
6: The public interface for travelers shall present trip planning information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.
8: The traveler support equipment shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking.
- - TIC Interactive Traveler Information
1: The center shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request.
8: The center shall disseminate customized event information to travelers upon request.
10: The center shall provide all traveler information based on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter or customize the provided information accordingly.
11: The center shall accept traveler profiles for determining the type of personalized data to send to the traveler.
17: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of traveler information.
- - TIC Traveler Information Broadcast
1: The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
7: The center shall disseminate event information to travelers.
10: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of broadcast traveler information.
- - TIC Trip Planning
1: The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.
2: The center shall include bicycle routes, walkways, skyways, and multi-use trails in the pre-trip and en route directions it provides to travelers.
3: The center shall support on-line route guidance for travelers using personal devices (such as PDAs).
11: The center shall generate trips based on the use of more than one mode of transport.
12: The center shall use the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler in the trip request to select the most appropriate mode of transport.
14: The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control route calculation parameters.
JTA Web Site - TIC Interactive Traveler Information
3: The center shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request.
8: The center shall disseminate customized event information to travelers upon request.
10: The center shall provide all traveler information based on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter or customize the provided information accordingly.
11: The center shall accept traveler profiles for determining the type of personalized data to send to the traveler.
17: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of traveler information.
JTA Web Site - TIC Traveler Information Broadcast
3: The center shall disseminate transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers.
7: The center shall disseminate event information to travelers.
10: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of broadcast traveler information.
JTA Web Site - TIC Trip Planning
1: The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.
2: The center shall include bicycle routes, walkways, skyways, and multi-use trails in the pre-trip and en route directions it provides to travelers.
3: The center shall support on-line route guidance for travelers using personal devices (such as PDAs).
6: The center shall generate route plans based on current and/or predicted conditions of the road network, scheduled maintenance and construction work activities, and work zone activities.
11: The center shall generate trips based on the use of more than one mode of transport.
12: The center shall use the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler in the trip request to select the most appropriate mode of transport.
14: The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control route calculation parameters.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - Personal Interactive Traveler Information
1: The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
2: The personal traveler interface shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
3: The personal traveler interface shall receive traveler services information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
4: The personal traveler interface shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
7: The personal traveler interface shall accept reservations for confirmed trip plans.
8: The personal traveler interface shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls.
9: The personal traveler interface shall provide an interface through which credit identity, stored credit value, or traveler information may be collected from a traveler card being used by a traveler with a personal device.
10: The personal traveler interface shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.
11: The personal traveler interface shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.
12: The personal traveler interface shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.
13: The personal traveler interface shall store frequently requested or used data, including the traveler's identity, home and work locations, etc.
15: The personal traveler interface shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the traveler and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.
17: The personal traveler interface shall receive traveler information including traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations.
20: The personal traveler interface shall provide payment information for road use charges.
26: The personal device shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - Personal Traveler Information Reception
1: The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler.
2: The personal traveler interface shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler.
3: The personal traveler interface shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler.
6: The personal traveler interface shall provide broadcast traveler information in audio or manual form.
7: The personal traveler interface shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms, consistent with a personal device.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance
1: The personal traveler interface shall allow a traveler to request and confirm multi-modal route guidance from a specified source to a destination.
2: The personal traveler interface shall forward the request for route guidance to a traveler information center for route calculation.
3: The personal traveler interface shall forward user preferences, background information, constraints, and payment information to the supplying traveler information center.
4: The personal traveler interface shall present personal trip planning information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/3/2025