Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Broward County Rail and High-Capacity Transit

Project Description: DOT rail study in FY 2020 – 2021, FDOT is studying the implementation of rail on Broward Blvd between Andrews Avenue and US 441. Broward County is conducting a system–wide study, planning & preliminary design for high capacity transit. Broward County is planning on building 26 miles of rail in the next 30 years.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
current infrastructure restrictions Broward County Rail Maintenance Center Broward County Rail Operations Planned
incident response coordination BCT Transit Systems County Sheriff Dispatch Existing
incident response status County Sheriff Dispatch BCT Transit Systems Existing
incident response status County Sheriff Dispatch Broward County Rail Operations Planned
incident response status Local Police Dispatch Broward County Rail Operations Planned
roadway maintenance status Broward County Rail Maintenance Center Broward County Rail Operations Planned
threat information Broward County Rail Operations Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
threat information coordination BCT Transit Systems Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
threat information coordination Broward County Rail Operations Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
threat information coordination Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center BCT Transit Systems Planned
threat information coordination Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Broward County Rail Operations Planned
transit emergency data BCT Transit Systems Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
transit emergency data Broward County Rail Operations Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
transit emergency data Broward County Rail Operations County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
transit emergency data Broward County Rail Operations Local Police Dispatch Planned
transit emergency data Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center BCT Transit Systems Planned
transit emergency data Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Broward County Rail Operations Planned
transit service coordination All Aboard Florida Rail Operations Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
transit service coordination BCT Transit Systems Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
transit service coordination Broward County Rail Operations Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Planned
transit service coordination Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center BCT Transit Systems Planned
transit service coordination Broward County Transit / Rail Operational Control Center Broward County Rail Operations Planned
transit system data Broward County Rail Operations Broward County TMC Planned
work zone information Broward County Rail Maintenance Center Broward County Rail Operations Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/6/2025