Broward County Transit
Description: Broward County Transit (BCT) provides fixed–route bus service, express bus service, and paratransit bus service in Broward County. The fixed route bus service provides connections to the county's multimodal transportation network. Its website is located at
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Broward County Rail and High-Capacity Transit Roles and Responsibilities (Copy 1)
- Provide transit security on all BCT vehicles using silent alarms and on-board video surveillance.
- Provide transit traveler information via the BCT Real-Time Information System.
- Provide a demand-responsive transit plan to users/travelers via the BCT Web site.
- Provide automated transit maintenance scheduling through automated vehicle condition reports on all BCT vehicles.
- Provide fixed-route and paratransit bus services for Broward County.
- Track and evaluate schedule performance on all Broward County Transit (BCT) vehicles.
- Operate rail and other high capacity transit services.
- Count passengers boarding BCT vehicles.
- Provide operator instructions and receive schedule performance information from BCT vehicles while in service.
- Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment capabilities on all BCT vehicles and include smart card fare coordination with other regional transit agencies.
Broward County Real-Time Information System Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide transit traveler information via the BCT Real-Time Information System.
- Track and evaluate schedule performance on all Broward County Transit (BCT) vehicles.
Broward County Regional Integration Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate emergency plans with county EOCs, and provide emergency transit services for evacuations, fires, and disasters, including re-entry services.
- Coordinate traffic signal priority with the Broward County ITS Operations Facility.
- Coordinate transit schedules with other local transit agencies, particularly for transit connections at transit transfer points.
- Coordinate transit security incidents with local police and the Broward County Sheriffs Office.
- Coordinate transit fare payment with other regional agencies.
- Coordinate with multimodal transportation agencies, including airports, commuter rails, and heavy rail.
Broward County Signal Preemption/Priority Upgrades Roles and Responsibilities
- Install and maintain on-board signal priority equipment.
Broward County SW 10th Street TSMO/Smart Work Zone Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Install and maintain connected vehicle equipment on transit vehicles.
Broward County TOPS Online Reservations Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide a demand-responsive transit plan to users/travelers via the BCT Web site.
Broward County Transit APC Roles and Responsibilities
- Count passengers boarding BCT vehicles.
Broward County Transit CAD/AVL Roles and Responsibilities
- Track and evaluate schedule performance on all Broward County Transit (BCT) vehicles.
- Provide operator instructions and receive schedule performance information from BCT vehicles while in service.
Broward County Transit Connected and Autonomous Vehicle System Roles and Responsibilities
- Install and maintain connected vehicle equipment on transit vehicles.
Broward County Transit Downtown Multimodal Facility Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate with multimodal transportation agencies, including airports, commuter rails, and heavy rail.
Broward County Transit Signal Priority and Queue Jumpers Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic signal priority with the Broward County ITS Operations Facility.
Broward County Transit Yard Management System Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide automated transit maintenance scheduling through automated vehicle condition reports on all BCT vehicles.
Florida Fare Management Infrastructure Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate transit fare payment with other regional agencies.
Regional Fare Interoperability Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment capabilities on all BCT vehicles and include fare payment integration with other regional transit agencies.
- Coordinate transit fare payment with other regional agencies.
Last Updated 2/6/2025