FDOT District 4 Railroad Crossing By-pass System
Project Description: This system will provide travelers with information regarding extended at–grade crossing blockages due to freight activity.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System - TMC Advanced Rail Crossing Management
1: The center shall remotely control highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment located in the field.
2: The center shall accept collect highway-rail intersection (HRI) advisory or alert data from rail operations centers.
7: The center shall accept train schedules, maintenance schedules, and any other forecast events that will result in highway-rail intersection (HRI) closures data from rail operations centers.
FDOT District 4 Field Equipment - Roadway Advanced Rail Crossing
1: The field element shall collect and process, traffic sensor data in the vicinity of an advanced highway-rail intersection (HRI).
5: The field element shall monitor the status of the advanced highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the rail wayside equipment.
FDOT District 4 Field Equipment - RSE Rail Crossing Warning
12: The field element shall calculate whether the vehicle may approach the railroad intersection while a train is present in the intersection.
7: The field element shall collect the current status of the wayside equipment and notification of an arriving train.
9: The field element shall warn drivers of crossing closures due to oncoming trains.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/6/2025