Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 4 Railroad Crossing By-pass System

Project Description: This system will provide travelers with information regarding extended at–grade crossing blockages due to freight activity.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
rail crossing control data FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System FDOT District 4 Field Equipment Planned
rail crossing request FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System FDOT District 4 Field Equipment Planned
rail crossing status FDOT District 4 Field Equipment FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 4/16/2024