FDOT District 4
Description: Represents Florida Department of Transportation District 4, Southeast Florida, which includes Broward, Indian River, Martin, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties.
Stakeholder Groups Associated With:
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Broward County Regional Integration Roles and Responsibilities
- Support transit incident response and incident reports with the transit management, county sheriff, and local police.
Broward County SW 10th Street TSMO/Smart Work Zone Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from FDOT District 4
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 4 maintenance section distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs)
- Provide arterial monitoring to local signal maintaining agencies such as Broward County and Palm Beach County.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 4 TMCs; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public through portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Provide maintenance status information to the FDOT District 4 TMCs and equipment repair facility.
- Manage work zones for all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Monitor highway surveillance cameras.
- Monitor highway traffic sensors.
City of Boca Raton TMC and FDOT District 4 Palm Beach TMC Integration Roles and Responsibilities
- Share traffic images with City of Boca Raton TMC.
- Share control of CCTV cameras images with City of Boca Raton TMC.
FDOT District 4 Express Lanes Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate dynamically tolled express lanes
FDOT District 4 Freight Priority System Deployment (CFPSD) Roles and Responsibilities
- Install, operate, and maintain connected vehicle field eqiupment on or along the roadway to provide freight signal priority.
- Install, operate, and maintain traffic signal systemand field eqiupment to provide freight signal priority.
FDOT District 4 Freight Priority System Deployment (CFPSD) Roles and Responsibilities (Copy 1)
- Install, operate, and maintain traffic signal system and field eqiupment to provide freight signal priority.
- Install, operate, and maintain connected vehicle field eqiupment on or along the roadway to provide freight signal priority.
FDOT District 4 Henry Kinney Tunnel Over-Height Vehicle Detection System Roles and Responsibilities
- Install, operate, and maintain field equipment to detect over-height vehicles.
- Install, operate, and maintain field equipment to warn drivers of over-height vehicles.
FDOT District 4 Moveable Bridge Operations Integration Roles and Responsibilities
- Manage traffic in coordination with Draw Bridge operations.
FDOT District 4 Railroad Crossing By-pass System Roles and Responsibilities
- Install, operate, and maintain field eqiupment at railroad crossings to recieve information about crossings.
- Provide railroad crossing information to travelers.
FDOT District 4 Train Vehicle Crash Avoidance Pilot Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide arterial monitoring to local signal maintaining agencies such as Broward County and Palm Beach County.
- Coordinate with Railroad Operators to recieve railroad schedules.
- Operate and maintain the traffic signal control system.
- Provide railroad crossing information to travelers.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using DMS devices.
Highway Management for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Collect road weather information.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs)
- Determine highway travel times.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies.
- Monitor highway surveillance cameras.
- Monitor highway traffic sensors.
- Operate freeway traffic information devices, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) and highway advisory (HAR) equipment.
- Operate dynamically tolled express lanes
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to public safety agencies and EOCs.
- Coordinate incident response for incidents on or adjacent to state-owned roadways with public safety agencies in surrounding counties and municipalities, including countyand local EOCs, and the FDOT District 4 EOC.
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Coordinate incident response with county and local public works departments, including response for scheduled events.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on state-owned roadways (e.g., DMS and HAR equipment), and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resource response to incidents on state-owned roadways with the FHP, and county and local public safety agencies.
- Coordinate maintenance resources in response to incidents with the FHP and regional public safety agencies.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on state-operated roadways.
- Operate and dispatch Road Rangers Service Patrol vehicles.
Information Dissemination for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and re-entry plans with the county EOC/warning point.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, the FDOT maintenance yards, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOTs DMS and HAR equipment.
- Provide traffic information to travelers via the FDOT District 4 PIO, private companies, Florida 511, and the media.
- Provide traffic information, such as road network conditions, information to transit agencies.
- Provide traffic information, such as road network conditions, to public safety agencies.
Maintenance and Construction for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Collect environmental information from District 4 field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Perform maintenance for ITS field equipment owned by the FDOT.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from FDOT District 4
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 4 maintenance vehicles.
- Receive maintenance resource requests for incident response from county fire/EMS/sheriff, local police/fire/EMS, the FHP, and 911 emergency call centers.
- Coordinate incident maintenance resources with FTE, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 4 maintenance section distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 4 TMCs; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public through portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Distribute environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance sections.
- Provide maintenance status information to the FDOT District 4 TMCs and equipment repair facility.
- Manage work zones for all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
Parking Management for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Provide commercial vehicle parking information to private fleet systems.
South Florida ICM Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect road weather information.
- Coordinate traffic information with other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs)
- Determine highway travel times.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies.
- Share traffic information with agenices in St. Lucie County.
- Coordinate traffic management with agenices in St. Lucie County.
- Monitor highway surveillance cameras.
- Monitor highway traffic sensors.
- Operate freeway traffic information devices, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) and highway advisory (HAR) equipment.
- Share traffic images with City of Boca Raton TMC.
- Share control of CCTV cameras images with City of Boca Raton TMC.
- Operate dynamically tolled express lanes
St. Lucie Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS) Roles and Responsibilities
- Share traffic information with agenices in St. Lucie County.
- Coordinate traffic management with agenices in St. Lucie County.
Traffic Signal Control for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Provide arterial monitoring to local signal maintaining agencies such as Broward County and Palm Beach County.
Traveler Information for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public through roadside equipment (e.g., DMS and HAR devices) and traveler information systems.
Last Updated 2/6/2025