FDOT District 4 Henry Kinney Tunnel Over-Height Vehicle Detection System
Project Description: This system is being implemented with additional ATMS to expend the existing network.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System - TMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning
1: The center shall provide infrastructure restriction information, including temporary size and weight restrictions, to connected vehicles.
2: The center shall provide infrastructure restriction information, including temporary size and weight restrictions, to drivers.
3: The center shall use infrastructure measurements of vehicle characteristics to determine if a vehicle exceeds the roadway or tunnel dimensions.
4: The center shall monitor the traffic approaching a size-restricted roadway or tunnel.
FDOT District 4 Field Equipment - Roadway Restriction Monitoring and Warning
1: The field element shall measure the weight, height and width of passing vehicles.
2: The field element shall display warnings to vehicles if the size exceeds the current infrastructure restrictions.
3: The field element shall send weight and size measurements to the controlling center.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/6/2025