Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 5 Operations Dashboard

Project Description: FDOT District 5 Operations Dashbaords consist of the the following three Dasboards:
1. Data Analysis and Reporting for Transportation (DART) and DASH Dashboards: DART and DASH Dashboards would provide an information portal to various sources of ITS data collected by the D5 RTMC SunGuide software, and would include displays for real–time and historical traffic data analysis, and event information for incidents with a significant impact on public safety. In addiiton to the SunGuide, Operations Dashboard will also receive data from Maintenance and Inventory Management (MIMS), and Benefits Costing Utility systems.

2. Active Arterial Management (AAM) Dashboard: AAM Dashboard would facilitate a higher level of service, improved coordination among stakeholder, and safer arterial roadways for motorists by connecting IT, ITS, MIS, and signal systems control. The AAMD will be used and managed by dedicated professionals and will enable AAM operations to pro–actively monitor, identify and respond to causes of congestion on a near real–time basis. The proposed system covers Orange, Seminole and Volusia Counties. Provisions are being planned to add Brevard, Marion and Osceola County as the program expands and the data is available through SunGuide.

3. Multimodal Dashboard: Multimodal Dashboard would provide a user interface into the data being collected by District 5 about and related to the transportation system. The dashboard is meant to provide access to interface with several of the datasets within the Data Fusion Environment (DFE) Sandbox environment through established Application Programming Interfaces (API) or by other operational systems and data sources identified by FDOT District 5.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
archive coordination FDOT District 5 Benefits Costing Utility System FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database Planned
archive status FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database FDOT District 5 Benefits Costing Utility System Planned
archive status FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database FDOT District 5 Maintenance and Inventory Management System (MMIS) Planned
archive status FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
archived data product requests FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Dashboard FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database Planned
archived data products FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Dashboard Planned
asset archive data FDOT District 5 Maintenance and Inventory Management System (MMIS) FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database Planned
device status FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 5 AAM Dashboard Planned
incident information FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Dashboard Planned
incident information FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 5 Multimodal Dashboard Planned
other data source archive data FDOT District 5 Benefits Costing Utility System FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database Planned
road network conditions FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Dashboard Planned
road network conditions FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 5 AAM Dashboard Planned
road network conditions FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 5 Multimodal Dashboard Planned
traffic archive data FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 5 DART and DASH Database Planned
transit system data FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 5 Multimodal Dashboard Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/5/2025