FDOT District 5
Description: Represents Florida Department of Transportation District 5, Central Florida, which includes the following counties: Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Sumter, and Volusia.
Stakeholder Groups Associated With:
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Management
- Collect and archive intermodal freight information from regional intermodal freight depots.
- Collect and archive multimodal data from multimodal transportation service providers.
- Collect and archive regional emergency and accident information from local police and the FHP.
- Collect and archive roadside information from FDOT District 5 traffic count stations (field equipment).
- Collect and archive traffic information from RTMCs.
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Collect and archive transit information from regional transit providers.
- Provide a virtual data warehouse for transportation statistics and coordinate with local transportation data collection systems.
CFX Part Time Shoulder Use Roles and Responsibilities
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) managing traffic signals in the Counties and Cities in the FDOT District 5 area.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Provide a virtual data warehouse for transportation statistics and coordinate with local transportation data collection systems.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using FDOT District 5 portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with Cities and Counties in FDOT District 5 Region.
- Provides security for CAV communications between vehicles and the roadside.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Provide traveler information to vehicles.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the FDOT District 5 Public Information Office (PIO), private companies, the central Florida traveler information system, and the media.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide camera coverage for FDOT District 5 roadways.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with FDOT maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Coordinate incident response with public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Provide traffic information to FDOT District 5 Multi-Modal Trip-Planning Application engine.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
City of Orlando - Multimodal CV and Pedestrian Safety Solutions Roles and Responsibilities
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
City of Orlando Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovative ITS (International Drive) Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate the archival of information with the SunStore Data Warehouse.
Commercial Vehicle Operations
- Collect intermodal freight event information and provide intermodal freight traffic information to intermodal freight depots.
Electronic Toll Collection
- Operate and manage express lanes
- Provide dynamic toll information to FTE back-end toll collection systems.
Electronic Toll Collection (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Provide dynamic toll information to FTE back-end toll collection systems.
Electronic Toll Collection (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Provide dynamic toll information to FTE back-end toll collection systems.
Emergency Management
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
Emergency Management (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
Emergency Management (FDOT District 5 I-75 FRAME Ocala)
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
Emergency Management (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
Emergency Management (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Orange County/Seminole County (US 17/92)) Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Orange County/Seminole County (US 436/Semoran Blvd)) Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
FDOT Active Arterial Management System Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
FDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovative ITS (US 441) Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive traffic information from RTMCs.
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
- Provide vehicles with intersection information in support of vehicle safety.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Sensor System Roles and Responsibilities
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Receive Field Equipment data
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Security Surveillance System Roles and Responsibilities
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
FDOT District 5 C2C Data Integration Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) managing traffic signals in the Counties and Cities in the FDOT District 5 area.
FDOT District 5 Central Florida Mobility Application (CFMA) Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive multimodal data from multimodal transportation service providers.
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Collect and archive transit information from regional transit providers.
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Receive Field Equipment data
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
FDOT District 5 Critical Railroad Smart Monitoring Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provides security for CAV communications between vehicles and the roadside.
- Provide traveler information to vehicles.
- Provide camera coverage for FDOT District 5 roadways.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT District 5 DART-DASH Dashboard Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive regional emergency and accident information from local police and the FHP.
- Collect and archive roadside information from FDOT District 5 traffic count stations (field equipment).
- Collect and archive traffic information from RTMCs.
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Provide a virtual data warehouse for transportation statistics and coordinate with local transportation data collection systems.
FDOT District 5 I-4 FRAME Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using FDOT District 5 portable DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
FDOT District 5 I-4 Wrong Way Driver Deployment Roles and Responsibilities
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert travelers.
FDOT District 5 ITS Freeway Management System (FMS) Roles and Responsibilities
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT District 5 Multi-Modal Trip-Planning Application Engine Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide a virtual data warehouse for transportation statistics and coordinate with local transportation data collection systems.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to FDOT District 5 Multi-Modal Trip-Planning Application engine.
FDOT District 5 Smart Signals Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
FDOT District 5 Wildlife Detection and Warning Roles and Responsibilities
- Provides security for CAV communications between vehicles and the roadside.
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
Greater Orlando Transit Signal Priority Phase 3 Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
GreenWay Program (Part of ATTAIN Program) Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) managing traffic signals in the Counties and Cities in the FDOT District 5 area.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
Highway Management
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (City of Ocala Integration)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (City of Orlando Travel Time System)
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
Highway Management (Daytona Area Detour and Event Management)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (FDOT Daytona Area DMS/BOS/VDS/CCTV))
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (FDOT District 5 I-75 FRAME Ocala)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with FDOT maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with FDOT maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Highway Management (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Incident Management (Emergency) (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Coordinate incident response with public safety agencies.
Incident Management (Emergency) (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Coordinate incident response with public safety agencies.
Incident Management (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
Information Dissemination
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (Daytona Area Detour and Event Management)
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Brevard County))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (City of Melbourne))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (City of Ocala))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (City of Orlando))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Lake County))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Maitland / Winter Park / Sumter))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Marion County))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Osceola County))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Seminole County))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT Daytona Area DMS/BOS/VDS/CCTV))
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT District 5 I-75 FRAME Ocala)
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Information Dissemination (Volusia County)
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
Lake County CV Smart Signal and VZERO Projects Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) managing traffic signals in the Counties and Cities in the FDOT District 5 area.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with Cities and Counties in FDOT District 5 Region.
LYNX Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) (OIA Connector) Roles and Responsibilities
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
LYNX Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) (US 192) Roles and Responsibilities
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
LYNX Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) (US 50) Roles and Responsibilities
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
Maintenance and Construction
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
Maintenance and Construction (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
Maintenance and Construction (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
Maintenance and Construction (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
Orange County Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovative ITS (Pine Hills Road) Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive traffic information from the Orange County TMC.
PedSafe Program (Part of ATTAIN Program) Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Coordinate the archival of information with the SunStore Data Warehouse.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
PedSafe Program Phase II (Part of ATTAIN Program) Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Coordinate the archival of information with the SunStore Data Warehouse.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
R2CTPO TSMO Early Deployment Roles and Responsibilities
- Vehicle provides automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 5 operations center and FDOT District 5 equipment repair facility.
- Perform maintenance of FDOT-owned ITS field equipment.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the FHP, the county EOC, and local fire/EMS/police.
- Dispatch FDOT District 5 and CFX Road Ranger Service Patrols.
- Collect environmental information from its own field equipment, and from public and private weather service providers.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, including reversible lanes, with lane control signals on FDOT freeways.
- Coordinate a maintenance or construction request from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on freeways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 5 RTMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Provide regional state highway maintenance information on pavement maintenance and construction activities, including infrastructure monitoring activities.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and the county sheriff.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 5 construction and maintenance systems, and the CFX construction and maintenance systems.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to LYNX transit operations.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with CFX construction and maintenance operations, and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network and the central Florida TMC information network.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using CFX DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction sections.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 5 and other Districts.
- Distribute this environmental data to private weather providers, RTMCs, regional emergency management agencies, regional transit agencies, and county and city maintenance systems.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and the FDOT District 5 EOCs.
- Manage work zones on all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 5 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Receive America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 5 maintenance vehicles.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 5 EOC.
- The FDOT PIO and the FDOT District 5 maintenance system distributes work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
Seminole County DMS and CCTV Replacement Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate select Seminole County traffic information system field equipment during the off hours of SEMTAC.
SR 429 ITS Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
SR520 Traffic Signal Upgrades Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
SunRail Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the FDOT District 5 Public Information Office (PIO), private companies, the central Florida traveler information system, and the media.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with FDOT maintenance system, and county and city public works departments (PWDs).
- Coordinate incident response with public safety agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
SunStore Program (Part of ATTAIN Program) Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive multimodal data from multimodal transportation service providers.
- Collect and archive roadside information from FDOT District 5 traffic count stations (field equipment).
- Collect and archive traffic information from RTMCs.
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Coordinate the archival of information with the SunStore Data Warehouse.
- Coordinate the archival of information with the central Florida data warehouse and the regional ITS data warehouse.
Surface Street Management (FDOT District 5 I-75 FRAME Ocala)
- Provide camera coverage for FDOT District 5 roadways.
Surface Street Management for FDOT District 5 - Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with Cities and Counties in FDOT District 5 Region.
Surface Street Management for FDOT Lake Mary Blvd CV
- Manage traffic signals for FDOT District 5.
Traffic Signal Control
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control ((FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Brevard County))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
Traffic Signal Control (City of Ocala Integration)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (Copy 5)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (Copy 6)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (Copy 7)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (Daytona Area Detour and Event Management)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 5 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (City of Melbourne))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (City of Ocala))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (City of Orlando))
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Lake County)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Maitland / Winter Park / Sumter))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate CAV capabilities with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Marion County))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Osceola County))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Active Arterial Management System (Seminole County))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT Daytona Area DMS/BOS/VDS/CCTV))
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT District 5 I-75 FRAME Ocala)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traffic Signal Control (Volusia County)
- Operate select traffic signal systems in the FDOT District 5 region.
- Collect vehicle probe information using roadside equipment and calculate travel times.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Coordinate the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative with private vehicles using FDOT District 5 field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with CFX, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties; and the cities of Daytona Beach and Orlando.
- Coordinate traffic information with the Seminole County Traffic Action Center (SEMTAC); Volusia County transportation management center (TMC); the City of Orlando; Orange and Brevard counties; and other FDOT District TMCs.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate signalization and control of reversible lanes in coordination with FDOT District 7 and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for evacuation purposes.
Traveler Information
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using FDOT District 5 portable DMS devices.
Traveler Information (FDOT D5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System)
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using FDOT District 5 portable DMS devices.
Traveler Information (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 1A/1B/2 Project)
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using FDOT District 5 portable DMS devices.
Traveler Information (FDOT I-4 BtU Segments 3/4 Project)
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using FDOT District 5 portable DMS devices.
Traveler Information for FDOT Lake Mary Blvd CV
- Provide traveler information to vehicles.
Vehicle Safety for FDOT Lake Mary Blvd CV
- Provide vehicles with intersection information in support of vehicle safety.
Last Updated 2/5/2025