LYNX Open Payment System
Project Description: LYNX is implementing Open Payments for fare payment on fareboxes on all fixed route buses and demand response (NeighborLink) vehicles. This allows fare payment using the VISA, MasterCard, and Discover Card network by accepting the contactless Tap to Pay. Also included are any devices that allow Tap to Pay via these networks (cell phone with nearfield and wearables). This will involve the Open Payment media interacting with the farebox to pay the fare. The farebox will communicate via cellular to the back–office system which then processes the charge through the merchant network. Request for authorization and for payment goes from farebox to back office and from back office to merchant network, authorization, and electronic payment from the merchant network to the back office with authorization back to the farebox. Also, credit card number blacklists are communicated from the back office to the farebox. All this communication is via cellular network (4G).
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
LYNX Transit Vehicles - Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management
1: The transit vehicle shall read data from the traveler card / payment instrument presented by boarding passengers.
LYNX Transportation Center - Transit Center Fare Management
1: The center shall manage the actual value of transit fares for each segment of each regular transit route, including the transmission of the information to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.
2: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to manage the transit fares and control the exchange of transit fare information.
4: The center shall support the payment of transit fare transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.
5: The center shall collect data on fare payment violations and send the data, including images of the violator, to the appropriate enforcement agency.
7: The center shall maintain a list of invalid traveler credit identities or bad tag lists that can be forwarded to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - Personal Interactive Traveler Information
8: The personal traveler interface shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls.
9: The personal traveler interface shall provide an interface through which credit identity, stored credit value, or traveler information may be collected from a traveler card being used by a traveler with a personal device.
SunRail Operations Control Center - Transit Center Fare Management
1: The center shall manage the actual value of transit fares for each segment of each regular transit route, including the transmission of the information to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.
2: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to manage the transit fares and control the exchange of transit fare information.
4: The center shall support the payment of transit fare transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.
7: The center shall maintain a list of invalid traveler credit identities or bad tag lists that can be forwarded to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.
SunRail Rail Vehicles - Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management
1: The transit vehicle shall read data from the traveler card / payment instrument presented by boarding passengers.
4: The transit vehicle shall calculate the traveler's fare based on the origin and destination provided by the traveler as well as factors such as the transit routing, transit fare category, traveler history, and route-specific information.
5: The transit vehicle shall have access to the complete range of transit services (routes and schedules) that are available to the traveler.
7: The transit vehicle shall include a database on-board the transit vehicle for use in fare processing from which the fares for all possible trips within the transit operational network can be determined.
9: The transit vehicle shall provide fare statistics data to the center.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/5/2025