Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

CFX Part Time Shoulder Use

Project Description: The Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) is in the process of completing design plans for the widening of SR 429 from Stoneybrook West Parkway to SR 414. To provide operational flexibility at project opening and into the future, CFX will implement part–time shoulder use (PTSU) on the left shoulder of SR 429 in conjunction with the widening project. PTSU is also known as "hard shoulder running" and "temporary shoulder use". In the near term, PTSU will be implemented to enable opening of the left shoulder for incident management, such as crashes blocking right–side general purpose lanes. In the long term PTSU will be implemented to enable opening of the left shoulder as a congestion mitigation strategy. Lane control signals will be placed over all lanes including the left shoulder, creating the opportunity to open and close the shoulder and lanes dynamically in response to incidents on the roadway.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
broadcast advisories CFX Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information CFX Public Website Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information CFX Public Website Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FL511 Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FL511 Vehicle Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
device control request FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
device data CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
device data FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
device status CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
device status FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
dynamic sign coordination CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
dynamic sign coordination CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
emergency vehicle tracking data CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles CFX Expressway Management System Planned
equipment maintenance request CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
equipment maintenance status FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
equipment maintenance status FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
field equipment status CFX CAV Field Equipment FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
field equipment status CFX Field Equipment FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
incident information CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
incident information for public CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
incident information for public CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
incident information for public CFX Public Website CFX Expressway Management System Planned
incident information for public CFX Public Website FL511 Planned
incident information for public FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
incident information for public FL511 CFX Expressway Management System Planned
incident information for public FL511 CFX Public Website Planned
lane management control CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
lane management control CFX Expressway Management System CFX Field Equipment Planned
lane management coordination CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
lane management coordination CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
lane management information CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
lane management information CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
local traveler information CFX CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
local traveler information CFX CAV Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
maint and constr dispatch information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Maintenance Vehicles Planned
maint and constr dispatch status CFX Maintenance Vehicles FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
maint and constr vehicle operational data CFX Maintenance Vehicles FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
maint and constr vehicle system control FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Maintenance Vehicles Planned
maint and constr work plans FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
maint and constr work plans FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
restricted lanes application info CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
restricted lanes application status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
restricted lanes application status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
restricted lanes information CFX CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
restricted lanes information CFX CAV Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
restricted lanes information CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
restricted lanes information CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
restricted lanes information CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
restricted lanes information CFX Public Website Commercial Vehicle Planned
restricted lanes information CFX Public Website Vehicle Planned
restricted lanes information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
restricted lanes information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
restricted lanes information FL511 Commercial Vehicle Planned
restricted lanes information FL511 Vehicle Planned
road network conditions CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
road network conditions CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
road network conditions CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
road network conditions CFX Public Website CFX Expressway Management System Planned
road network conditions CFX Public Website FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
road network conditions CFX Public Website FL511 Planned
road network conditions FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
road network conditions FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
road network conditions FL511 CFX Expressway Management System Planned
road network conditions FL511 CFX Public Website Planned
roadway dynamic signage data CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage data CFX Expressway Management System CFX Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
roadway dynamic signage status CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
roadway maintenance status FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
roadway maintenance status FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
service patrol dispatch request CFX Expressway Management System CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
service patrol dispatch request FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
service patrol dispatch response CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles CFX Expressway Management System Planned
service patrol dispatch response CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
service patrol incident status CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles CFX Expressway Management System Planned
service patrol incident status CFX Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
shoulder management control CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
shoulder management control CFX Expressway Management System CFX Field Equipment Planned
shoulder management coordination CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
shoulder management coordination CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
shoulder management information CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
shoulder management information CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
special vehicle restricted use information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
special vehicle restricted use information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
toll data CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
toll data CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
toll data CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
traffic control information CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
traffic control information CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
traffic control information CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
traffic control information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic control information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
traffic detector control CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector control CFX Expressway Management System CFX Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector data CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic detector data CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic image meta data CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Public Website CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Public Website FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
traffic image meta data CFX Public Website FL511 Planned
traffic image meta data FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic image meta data FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
traffic image meta data FL511 CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic image meta data FL511 CFX Public Website Planned
traffic images CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic images CFX Expressway Management System CFX Public Website Planned
traffic images CFX Expressway Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
traffic images CFX Expressway Management System FL511 Planned
traffic images CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic images CFX Public Website CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic images CFX Public Website FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
traffic images CFX Public Website FL511 Planned
traffic images FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic images FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned
traffic images FL511 CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traffic images FL511 CFX Public Website Planned
transit incident information FDOT District 5 RTMC FL511 Planned
traveler information application info CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
traveler information application status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
traveler information application status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Public Website Planned
variable speed limit control CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
variable speed limit control CFX Expressway Management System CFX Field Equipment Planned
variable speed limit coordination CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
variable speed limit coordination CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
variable speed limit status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
variable speed limit status CFX Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicle CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle profile Commercial Vehicle CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle profile Vehicle CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle signage application info CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle signage application status CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Expressway Management System Planned
vehicle signage data CFX CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle signage data CFX CAV Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
vehicle signage local data CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance control CFX Expressway Management System CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance control CFX Expressway Management System CFX Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination CFX CAV Field Equipment CFX Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination CFX Field Equipment CFX CAV Field Equipment Planned
work zone information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Expressway Management System Planned
work zone information FDOT District 5 RTMC CFX Public Website Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/5/2025