FDOT District 5 Central Florida Mobility Application (CFMA) Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the FDOT District 5 Central Florida Mobility Application (CFMA) project.
Service Packages
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide Authorization, SCMS and Map services to Cities and Counties in the FDOT District 5 region.
- FDOT District 5
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive multimodal data from multimodal transportation service providers.
- Collect and archive traffic information from the FDOT District 5 RTMC.
- Collect and archive transit information from regional transit providers.
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at the facility.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Florida 511, private companies, and the media.
- Receive Field Equipment data
- City of Orlando
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide Parking Information availability.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and manage UCF parking management system.
- Operate and manage UCF transit shuttle.
Last Updated 2/5/2025