Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 7 Gateway Expressway Project

Project Description: The Gateway Expressway project is made up of two components : two new 4–lane elevated tolled (static) roadways that will provide express connections from US 19 to I–275 and from the Bayside Bridge to I–275 and the widening of I–275 to add express (dynamic) tolled lanes
(one lane in each direction) from south of Gandy Boulevard to 4th Street N. Includes Open Road Tolling and ITS devices.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
license request Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Florida DMV Licensing and Registration System Planned
payment instructions Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Planned
payment instructions FTE Regional Toll Office Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Planned
payment request Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Financial Institutions Planned
payment transactions Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
payment transactions Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment FTE Regional Toll Office Planned
payment violation notification Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
payment violation notification FTE Regional Toll Office FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
registration Florida DMV Licensing and Registration System Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Field Equipment FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
settlement Financial Institutions Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
toll service change request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FTE Regional Toll Office Planned
toll service change response FTE Regional Toll Office FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
traffic detector control FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
traffic images FDOT District 7 Field Equipment FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
vehicle payment information SunPass Tag Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Planned
video surveillance control FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/5/2025