FDOT District 7
Description: Represents Florida Department of Transportation District 7, West Central Florida, which includes the counties of Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Management for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Collect and archive multimodal data from multimodal transportation service providers.
- Collect and archive regional emergency and accident information from regional public safety agencies.
- Collect and archive toll information from the SunPass customer service center.
- Collect and archive traffic and traveler information from the FL511 and ridematching systems.
- Collect and archive transit information from regional transit providers.
City of Clearwater Beach Parking Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide parking information to the traveling public using roadside equipment, such as DMS devices and traveler information systems.
City of Tampa ATMS Expansion Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate incident response with county and local PWDs, including responses during scheduled events.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through sharing of FDOT ITS devices' control and data.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through controlling and accessing data of local agencies' ITS devices.
Coast Guard Security Video Roles and Responsibilities
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
Emergency Management for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff/fire/EMS agencies, the county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 7 and other Districts.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to the FDOT District 7 PIO, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT Arterial DMS Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on arterials, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
FDOT District 7 Bus on Shoulders / I-275 Express Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to transit agencies.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with managed lanes on FDOT freeways.
FDOT District 7 Freeway DMS Upgrade Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
FDOT District 7 Gandy Boulevard (Hillsborough Segment) CCTV/MVDS Deployment Roles and Responsibilities
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
FDOT DIstrict 7 Gateway Expressway Project
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive toll information from the SunPass customer service center.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with managed lanes on FDOT freeways.
- Provide dynamic toll information based on real-time traffic information
- Perform maintenance of ITS field equipment owned by the FDOT.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
FDOT District 7 I-275 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, with ramp meters, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and lane control signals, including reversible lane signals, on FDOT freeways.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on state-owned roadways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information in a coordinated effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Coordinate incident response with county and local PWDs, including responses during scheduled events.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the FDOT District 7 PIO, private companies, FL511, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 7 EOC.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with managed lanes on FDOT freeways.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert public safety agencies.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert other drivers at risk using connected vehicle technologies.
- Operate traffic network safely and efficiently with utililization of Connected Vehilcle technologies.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to public safety agencies and EOCs.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through sharing of FDOT ITS devices' control and data.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through controlling and accessing data of local agencies' ITS devices.
FDOT District 7 I-4 FRAME Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect environmental information from field equipment and from public and private weather service providers.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, with ramp meters, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and lane control signals, including reversible lane signals, on FDOT freeways.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on state-owned roadways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to public safety agencies.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Coordinate incident response for incidents on or adjacent to state-owned roadways with public safety agencies in surrounding counties and municipalities, including county and local EOCs, and the FDOT District 7 EOC.
- Coordinate incident response with county and local PWDs, including responses during scheduled events.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Coordinate maintenance or construction requests from the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the FDOT District 7 PIO, private companies, FL511, and the media.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with FTE and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, county sheriffs, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and 911 emergency call centers.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 7 maintenance vehicles.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction systems.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 7 EOC.
- Dsitribute work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers through the FDOT District 7 maintenance section.
- Distribute environmental data to private weather providers; RTMCs; regional emergency management agencies; regional transit agencies; and county and city maintenance systems.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using private companies, the Florida 511 system, and the media.
- Provide automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC and the FDOT District 7 equipment repair facility.
- Manage work zones for all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on arterials, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert public safety agencies.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert other drivers at risk using connected vehicle technologies.
- Provide parking information to the traveling public using roadside equipment, such as DMS devices and traveler information systems.
- Operate traffic network safely and efficiently with utililization of Connected Vehilcle technologies.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Perform maintenance of ITS field equipment owned by the FDOT.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
FDOT District 7 Truck Parking Availability System (TPAS) Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide parking information to the traveling public using roadside equipment, such as DMS devices and traveler information systems.
- Perform maintenance of ITS field equipment owned by the FDOT.
FDOT District 7 US 19 Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate traffic network safely and efficiently with utililization of Connected Vehilcle technologies.
FDOT District 7 Wrong Way Detection(WWD) Ramp System Expansion Roles and Responsibilities
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert public safety agencies.
FDOT Dynamic Tolling Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Provide dynamic toll information based on real-time traffic information
FDOT Port Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to public safety agencies and EOCs.
FDOT Wrong-way Driver Detection - V2I Implementation
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert other drivers at risk using connected vehicle technologies.
Highway Management for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, with ramp meters, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and lane control signals, including reversible lane signals, on FDOT freeways.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the FDOT District 7 maintenance system, and county and city PWDs.
- Coordinate threat information, such as surveillance or sensor data, with local traffic and emergency management agencies.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 7 EOC.
- Dispatch FDOT Road Ranger vehicles to incidents in the region.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county EOC.
Hillsborough County C2C Communications Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to public safety agencies and EOCs.
Hillsborough County MPO Data and Analytics Platform Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive multimodal data from multimodal transportation service providers.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on state-owned roadways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on state-operated roadways.
- Coordinate incident response for incidents on or adjacent to state-owned roadways with public safety agencies in surrounding counties and municipalities, including county and local EOCs, and the FDOT District 7 EOC.
- Coordinate incident response with county and local PWDs, including responses during scheduled events.
- Coordinate maintenance resource responses to incidents on state-owned roadways with the FHP, and county and local public safety agencies.
- Coordinate maintenance resources in response to incidents with the FHP and regional public safety agencies.
- Operate and dispatch Road Rangers Service Patrol vehicles.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to public safety agencies and EOCs.
Information Dissemination for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to public safety agencies.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to transit agencies.
- Provide traffic information in a coordinated effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the FDOT District 7 PIO, private companies, FL511, and the media.
- Receive America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts and other wide area alert information from the FDLE.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to regional ISPs, FDOT maintenance systems, and regional emergency management agencies.
Maintenance and Construction for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Collect environmental information from field equipment and from public and private weather service providers.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC; regional maintenance and construction operations; and the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate maintenance or construction requests from the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with FTE and other FDOT District maintenance and construction operations.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, county sheriffs, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and 911 emergency call centers.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC.
- Receive automatic vehicle location (AVL) information from FDOT District 7 maintenance vehicles.
- Coordinate with city and county maintenance and construction systems, as well as other FDOT District maintenance and construction systems.
- Dsitribute work zone information to local transit agencies, local emergency management agencies, private rail operations, the media, and multimodal service providers through the FDOT District 7 maintenance section.
- Distribute environmental data to private weather providers; RTMCs; regional emergency management agencies; regional transit agencies; and county and city maintenance systems.
- Provide automated maintenance status information to the FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide TMC and the FDOT District 7 equipment repair facility.
- Manage work zones for all FDOT maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with FDOT field devices and vehicles.
- Perform maintenance of ITS field equipment owned by the FDOT.
Pinellas Connected Community ATCMTD CAV Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through sharing of FDOT ITS devices' control and data.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through controlling and accessing data of local agencies' ITS devices.
Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA) Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Roles and Responsibilities
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, with ramp meters, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and lane control signals, including reversible lane signals, on FDOT freeways.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with managed lanes on FDOT freeways.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert public safety agencies.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert other drivers at risk using connected vehicle technologies.
- Operate traffic network safely and efficiently with utililization of Connected Vehilcle technologies.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
Tampa International Airport Expansion Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
Traveler Information for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide traffic information and road network conditions to local emergency management providers, including local fire/EMS/police agencies, the FHP, and county sheriffs.
- Provide traffic information to travelers through private companies, FL511, and the media.
- Provide traffic, maintenance, and construction information to the traveling public using roadside equipment, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and traveler information systems.
Last Updated 2/5/2025