Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 7 Wrong-way Driver Detection - V2I Implementation

Project Description: This project applies connected vehicle–based technolgy as a wrong–way vehicle detection system using Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) information exchanges.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion for surveillance Vehicles FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle signage application info FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle signage application info FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
vehicle signage data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 5/24/2024