FDOT District 7 I-275 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the FDOT District 7 I-275 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) project.
Service Packages
- Travelers
Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate vehicle.
- Provide vehicle communication of wrong-way driving, collision warning, and location.
- Private Commercial Vehicle and Fleet Operators
Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate commercial vehicle.
- Provide commercial vehicle communication of wrong-way driving, collision warning, and location.
- FDOT District 7
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic with managed lanes on FDOT freeways.
- Control and coordinate highway traffic, with ramp meters, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and lane control signals, including reversible lane signals, on FDOT freeways.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate incident response with county and local PWDs, including responses during scheduled events.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through controlling and accessing data of local agencies' ITS devices.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through sharing of FDOT ITS devices' control and data.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with other FDOT District TMCs.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert other drivers at risk using connected vehicle technologies.
- Detect vehicles driving the wrong way on limited access roadways and alert public safety agencies.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
- Operate traffic network safely and efficiently with utililization of Connected Vehilcle technologies.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification on freeways, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire/EMS/sheriff agencies, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Road Rangers Service Patrols and the county E
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to public safety agencies and EOCs.
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on freeways, such as dynamic message sign (DMS) devices and highway advisory radio (HAR) broadcasts, and through local information service providers (ISPs) and Web sites.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on state-owned roadways, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide traffic information in a coordinated effort to the FDOT statewide center-to-center (C2C) information network.
- Provide traffic information reports to other agencies, including other FDOT District transportation management centers (TMCs).
- Provide traffic information to travelers using FDOT DMS devices and HAR broadcasts.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the FDOT District 7 PIO, private companies, FL511, and the media.
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning points and from the FDOT District 7 EOC.
- City of Tampa Smart Mobility Division
Roles and Responsibilities
- Adjust signal-timing patterns in response to incidents.
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points and local EOCs.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from City of Tampa CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of all field equipment.
- Operate traffic network safely and efficiently with utililization of Connected Vehilcle technologies.
- Operate traffic signal systems on city-owned arterials.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for local fire vehicles.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices, such as DMS devices, on municipally owned roadways, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on municipally operated arterials.
- Provides security for CAV communications between vehicles and the roadside.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide security and credentials management support and certificates for connected vehicle operations.
Last Updated 2/5/2025