Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

County EOCs/Warning Points

Status: Existing

Description: Generic element representing county emergency operation centers (EOCs). The county EOC provides a coordinating point for the effective management of local emergencies to catastrophic events in and around the county. It is the lead organization in coordinating disaster response from a municipal level to state and federal. Recovery planning and financial assistance from the State of Florida and FEMA are established through the EOC.

Stakeholder: County Emergency Management Agencies

Systems Interconnected
with the County EOCs/Warning Points

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include County EOCs/Warning Points:

Architecture Flows
to/from the County EOCs/Warning Points:

County EOCs/Warning Points flows into icon FHP LWRCC County EOCs/Warning Points flows into icon Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Network County EOCs/Warning Points flows into icon Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) County EOCs/Warning Points flows into icon FTE EOC FHP LWRCCflows into iconCounty EOCs/Warning Points Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Networkflows into iconCounty EOCs/Warning Points Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC)flows into iconCounty EOCs/Warning Points FTE EOCflows into iconCounty EOCs/Warning Points

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the County EOCs/Warning Points:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with County EOCs/Warning Points:

Last Updated 2/5/2025