Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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ITS Services

ITS User Services describe what functions ITS perform from the user's perspective. The National ITS Architecture defines Service Packages that "bundle" multiple ITS Elements to address specific transportation management services, such as surface street control or traveler information.

An ITS Service Package is not in and of itself, an ITS project. Instead, Service Packages are the "building blocks" of ITS, and a specific ITS project may include multiple Service Packages that provide multiple interrelated functions. For example, a transit ITS project designed to improve service efficiency may include Service Packages for vehicle tracking, fixed-route schedule management, and automated passenger counting.

Stakeholders can use services to better understand the integration necessary to address transportation needs. Selecting a service from the list on the Services tab provides a description of the service and a list of the elements involved in the service for its delivery in the context of the FTE RITSA. A service diagram provides a complete view of the service. Stakeholders exploring the services can find the services meeting their needs for future project definition. Additional services can be defined using the Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation (RAD-IT) and those services can be integrated into the FTE RITSA during a future maintenance update. When defining a project, a stakeholder should use the services in the FTE RITSA or a new service defined with the RAD-IT software to define the services a project will deliver to meet specific needs.

Service Packages specific to each Florida ITS project are listed on the ITS Project pages.

The following is a list of the Service Packages defined in the Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) Regional ITS Architecture (RITSA), including Service Package "instances" that are versions of Service Packages specific to an ITS project or stakeholder.

CVO05 - Commercial Vehicle Parking

CVO12 - HAZMAT Management

DM01 - ITS Data Warehouse

MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking

MC05 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction

MC06 - Work Zone Management

MC07 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring

MC08 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination

PM03 - Parking Electronic Payment

PS01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch

PS02 - Emergency Response

PS03 - Emergency Vehicle Preemption

PS08 - Roadway Service Patrols

PS09 - Transportation Infrastructure Protection

PS10 - Wide-Area Alert

PS11 - Early Warning System

PS12 - Disaster Response and Recovery

PS13 - Evacuation and Reentry Management

PS14 - Disaster Traveler Information

SU01 - Connected Vehicle System Monitoring and Management

SU02 - Core Authorization

SU04 - Map Management

SU08 - Security and Credentials Management

SU09 - Device Certification and Enrollment

TI01 - Broadcast Traveler Information

TI02 - Personalized Traveler Information

TI07 - In-Vehicle Signage

TI09 - Travel Services Information and Reservation

TM01 - Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance

TM02 - Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance

TM03 - Traffic Signal Control

TM04 - Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System

TM05 - Traffic Metering

TM06 - Traffic Information Dissemination

TM07 - Regional Traffic Management

TM08 - Traffic Incident Management System

TM09 - Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management

TM10 - Electronic Toll Collection

TM11 - Road Use Charging

TM16 - Reversible Lane Management

TM17 - Speed Warning and Enforcement

TM19 - Roadway Closure Management

TM22 - Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use

TM25 - Wrong Way Vehicle Detection and Warning

VS02 - V2V Basic Safety

VS03 - Situational Awareness

VS09 - Reduced Speed Zone Warning / Lane Closure

VS11 - Oversize Vehicle Warning

VS12 - Vulnerable Road User Safety

VS17 - Automated Vehicle Operations

WX01 - Weather Data Collection

WX02 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution

Last Updated 2/5/2025