Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch

Status: Existing

Description: Generic element representing county fire and rescue dispatch centers. In some counties, this may include dispatching volunteer departments and EMS. The dispatch center provides call taking, communications, and dispatch functions. Note that there are multiple fire districts in some counties. In these cases, there is an overall county–wide dispatch operation that dispatches ambulances and other assets and independent dispatch operations for each of the other districts in the county.

Stakeholder: County Public Safety Agencies

Systems Interconnected
with the County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch:

Architecture Flows
to/from the County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch:

County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon 911 Emergency Call Centers County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon FHP LWRCC County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Network County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon FTE EOC County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Pompano) County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centersflows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehiclesflows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch FHP LWRCCflows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Networkflows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch FTE EOCflows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch FTE Operations Center (Pompano)flows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake)flows into iconCounty Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch:

Last Updated 2/5/2025