Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner


Project Description: This project is a regional integrated corridor management system that will be implemented from the Central Business District in Tampa along I–4 to the Florida Turnpike in southwest Orlando. The project will cover 77 miles of I–4 and 122 miles of limited access facilities or signalized arterials in the region. This system will be interacting with 491 traffic signals that are currently being hosted by the local agencies on a variety of platforms. Local agencies within District 7 that will be participating in the operations of this system include Hillsborough County.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
actuate secure payment FHP Vehicle FTE Data Collection Field Equipment Planned
advisory radio coordination FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
advisory radio coordination FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
alternate mode information FL511 FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
alternate mode information FL511 FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
alternate mode information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
alternate mode information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
alternate mode information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
alternate mode information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
alternate mode information Private Sector Traveler Information Services FL511 Planned
alternate mode information Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
alternate mode information Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
broadcast advisories FTE CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast advisories FTE CAV Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
broadcast advisories FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast advisories FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FL511 Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FL511 Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
broadcast traveler information FL511 Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
broadcast traveler information FL511 Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
broadcast traveler information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information Private Sector Traveler Information Services Commercial Vehicle Planned
broadcast traveler information Private Sector Traveler Information Services Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
broadcast traveler information Private Sector Traveler Information Services Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
broadcast traveler information Private Sector Traveler Information Services Vehicle Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Maintenance Facilities CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Maintenance Facilities FL511 Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Maintenance Facilities Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
current infrastructure restrictions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
device enrollment information Commercial Vehicle FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information FTE CAV Field Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information FTE Maintenance Facilities FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information Vehicle FDOT SCMS Planned
driver input information Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
driver input information Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
driver input information Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
driver input information Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
driver input information Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
driver input information Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
driver input information Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
driver input information Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
driver input information Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
driver update information Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
driver update information Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
driver update information FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
driver update information FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
driver update information FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
driver update information Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
driver update information Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
driver update information Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
driver update information Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
dynamic sign coordination FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
dynamic sign coordination FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Vehicle Planned
equipment maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
equipment maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FDOT District TMCs Planned
evacuation assistance request SunPass Tag FL511 Planned
host vehicle status Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
host vehicle status Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
host vehicle status Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
host vehicle status Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
host vehicle status Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
host vehicle status Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
host vehicle status Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
host vehicle status Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
host vehicle status Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident information FTE Maintenance Facilities 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident information FTE Maintenance Facilities FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident information FTE Maintenance Facilities FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
incident information for media 911 Emergency Call Centers Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
incident information for public 911 Emergency Call Centers FL511 Planned
incident information for public 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident information for public 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident information for public 911 Emergency Call Centers Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
incident information for public FL511 FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident information for public FL511 FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident information for public FTE Maintenance Facilities FL511 Planned
incident information for public FTE Maintenance Facilities Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
incident information for public FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
incident information for public FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
incident information for public FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
incident information for public FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
incident information for public Private Sector Traveler Information Services FL511 Planned
incident information for public Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident information for public Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident response coordination FTE Maintenance Facilities 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident response coordination FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident response coordination FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident response status 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
incident response status 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
incident response status 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
incident response status FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Commercial Vehicle Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
intersection status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Commercial Vehicle Planned
intersection status FTE Portable Workzone Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
local traveler information FTE CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
local traveler information FTE CAV Field Equipment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
local traveler information FTE CAV Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
maint and constr resource request 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
maint and constr resource request 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
maint and constr resource request 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
maint and constr resource response FTE Maintenance Facilities 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
maint and constr resource response FTE Maintenance Facilities FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
maint and constr resource response FTE Maintenance Facilities FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
maint and constr resource response FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
maint and constr resource response FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
maint and constr work plans FTE Maintenance Facilities FL511 Planned
maint and constr work plans FTE Maintenance Facilities Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
maint and constr work plans FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
maint and constr work plans FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
maint and constr work plans FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
maint and constr work plans FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
map update notification FTE Operations Center (Pompano) CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
map update notification FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Commercial Vehicle Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
misbehavior report Commercial Vehicle FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report FTE CAV Field Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report FTE Maintenance Facilities FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Vehicle FDOT SCMS Planned
parking facility geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Commercial Vehicle Planned
parking facility geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
parking facility geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
parking information FL511 FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
parking information FL511 FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
parking information FL511 Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
parking information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
parking information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
parking information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
parking information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
parking information Parking Facilities FL511 Planned
parking information Parking Facilities Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
parking information Private Sector Traveler Information Services FL511 Planned
parking information Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
parking information Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
permission request FTE Operations Center (Pompano) CAV Authorizing Center Planned
permission request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) CAV Authorizing Center Planned
permission request received CAV Authorizing Center FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
permission request received CAV Authorizing Center FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
permission update request FTE Operations Center (Pompano) CAV Authorizing Center Planned
permission update request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) CAV Authorizing Center Planned
remote surveillance control 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
remote surveillance control 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
resource deployment status FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
resource deployment status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
resource request 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
resource request 911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
resource request FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
road network conditions FL511 FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
road network conditions FL511 FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
road network conditions FL511 Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
road network conditions Private Sector Traveler Information Services FL511 Planned
road network conditions Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
road network conditions Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
roadway advisory radio data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
roadway advisory radio data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
roadway advisory radio data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
roadway advisory radio data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
roadway advisory radio status FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
roadway advisory radio status FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
roadway advisory radio status FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
roadway advisory radio status FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
roadway dynamic signage data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
roadway dynamic signage status FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
roadway dynamic signage status FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
roadway dynamic signage status FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
roadway dynamic signage status FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
roadway geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Commercial Vehicle Planned
roadway geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
roadway geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
roadway maintenance status FTE Maintenance Facilities FL511 Planned
roadway maintenance status FTE Maintenance Facilities Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
roadway maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
roadway maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
roadway maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
roadway maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Vehicle Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Vehicle Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS FTE Maintenance Facilities Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Rest Areas/Visitor Centers/Service Plazas Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Vehicle Planned
service identifiers CAV Identifier Registry FDOT SCMS Planned
special vehicle restricted use information FTE Maintenance Facilities FDOT District 1 SWIFT Center Planned
special vehicle restricted use information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE Sunpass Toll Collection System Planned
special vehicle restricted use information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE Sunpass Toll Collection System Planned
toll data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
toll data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic control information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
traffic control information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic control information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
traffic control information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic detector control FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector control FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Collection Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination FTE Data Collection Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector data FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic detector data FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic image meta data FL511 FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic image meta data FL511 FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic image meta data FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic image meta data FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traffic image meta data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic image meta data Private Sector Traveler Information Services FL511 Planned
traffic image meta data Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic image meta data Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic images FL511 FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic images FL511 FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic images FL511 Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic images FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic images FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traffic images Private Sector Traveler Information Services FL511 Planned
traffic images Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traffic images Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traffic information for media FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traffic information for media FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traveler information application info FL511 FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traveler information application info FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traveler information application info FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traveler information application info Private Sector Traveler Information Services FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
traveler information application status FTE CAV Field Equipment FL511 Planned
traveler information application status FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
traveler information application status FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
traveler information application status FTE CAV Field Equipment Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
traveler information for media FL511 Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traveler information for media FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traveler information for media FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
traveler information for media Private Sector Traveler Information Services Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
user permission sets CAV Authorizing Center FDOT SCMS Planned
vehicle control Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle control Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle control FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle control FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle control FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
vehicle control Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle control Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle control Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle control Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle control event Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle control event Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle control event Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle control event Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle environmental data Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle environmental data Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle environmental data Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle environmental data Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle hazard event Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle hazard event Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle hazard event Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle hazard event Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle location and motion Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle location and motion for mapping Commercial Vehicle CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
vehicle location and motion for mapping Vehicle CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
vehicle location data for mapping FTE CAV Field Equipment CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
vehicle path prediction Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle path prediction Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle path prediction Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
vehicle path prediction Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
vehicle path prediction Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
video surveillance control FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance control FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Collection Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination FTE Data Collection Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
work zone information FTE Maintenance Facilities FL511 Planned
work zone information FTE Maintenance Facilities FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
work zone information FTE Maintenance Facilities FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
work zone information FTE Maintenance Facilities Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
work zone information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FL511 Planned
work zone information FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
work zone information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FL511 Planned
work zone information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Private Sector Traveler Information Services Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE CAV Field Equipment FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE CAV Field Equipment Other Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE CAV Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Other Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Other Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Other Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Other Vehicle FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Other Vehicle FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Other Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Other Vehicle Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicle FTE CAV Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicle FTE Data Dissemination Field Equipment Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicle FTE Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Planned
wrong way vehicle detected Vehicle Other Vehicle Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/5/2025