Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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US: SAE Other J2735 - WAVE TCP


This solution is used within the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: SAE Other J2735 with those for V-X: WAVE TCP. The US: SAE Other J2735 standards include upper-layer standards required to implement V2X information flows that do not yet have fully specified functionality and performance charcateristics. The V-X: WAVE TCP standards include lower-layer standards that support connection-oriented vehicle-to-any communications within ~300m using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) over Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) over IEEE WAVE in the 5.9GHz spectrum.

Comm Profile: V-X: WAVE TCP

Standards in Profile:

Data Profile: US: SAE Other J2735

Standards in Profile:

Readiness Description:

One serious or several significant issues. This category often includes proprietary or partial solutions. The communications solution may fail to provide even a base level of interoperability and security. Consider alternative solutions, or define specific revisions or upgrades that would provide a level of interoperability or security that are needed for the deployment.

Last Updated 5/28/2024