The following resources provide more information and reference materials regarding the SITSA and the content on this website.
SITSA Conversion Report:
The SITSA Conversion Report documents the changes made to the SITSA resulting from the conversion of the architecture to be compatible with ARC-IT Version 9.3 and its associated software tools.
SITSA RAD-IT Database:
The SITSA Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation (RAD-IT) database is available for download. This database requires the RAD-IT software in order to use the SITSA content.
The SITSA RAD-IT Database is downloaded as a zipped/compressed file and the user must extract the file or unzip it before attempting to open the file with the RAD-IT software.
The RAD-IT software is available at the Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) website
Architecture Maintenance Log:
The Architecture Maintenance Log documents the change requests for each architecture.
A link to the Architecture Maintenance Log is provided on the Florida Architecture Website Homepage.
ITS Architecture Change Request Form:
Use ITS Architecture Change RequestForm to submit any architecture changes that need to be made. Follow the instructions on the form for submittal.
Planning References: The following are links to supporting planning resources.
ITS Architecture and Tool Training Materials
- The US DOT's Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) Version 9.1 was used as the reference architecture.
The ARC-IT website can be found at
These materials support the processes for ITS architecture use.
- ITS Architecture training materials are available on-line at the US DOT's Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) website at These materials support the processes for ITS architecture use.
ITS Architecture Tools, namely the Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation (RAD-IT), are available for download from the US DOT's ARC-IT website at
RAD-IT can be used to explore the RITSA content and tailor project definition using the RITSA as a reference.
RAD-IT training materials are available on the training link in the previous bullet.
The RAD-IT software is evolving with new features and capabilities to support ITS architecture development and use, as well as to support ARC-IT changes.
As new versions of RAD-IT are made available, it may be necessary to convert the ITS architecture file for use with the latest version of RAD-IT.
Instructions regarding the conversion of ITS architecture files are available in the following link.
FDOT Systems Engineering and ITS Architecture Procedure:
The FDOT Systems Engineering and ITS Architecture Procedure (750-040-003-d) defines the procedure to address compliance with federal regulations in the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 23, Part 940, and CFR Title 23, Section 450.306(g) regarding systems engineering and ITS architecture.
Architectures are resource supporting this procedure.
Archived Architecture Update Reports
SITSA Update Report:
The SITSA Update Report documents the changes made to the SITSA to address change requests submitted by stakeholders documented in the Architecture Maintenance Log.
SITSA Major Update Final Report:
The SITSA Major Update Final Report, dated July 22, 2020, documents the changes made to the SITSA in response to the inputs gathered from Stakeholders during the Review and Workshop events.
SITSA Conversion Report:
The SITSA Conversion Report records the changes made to the SITSA resulting from the conversion to ARC-IT Version 9.0.
Last Updated 2/6/2025