Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure

Status: Existing

Description: The FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure element represents the center–to–center (C2C) infrastructure facilitated by the Statewide ITS Wide Area Network (WAN) that connects the Regional Transportation Management Centers (RTMC) and Transportation Management Centers (TMC) operated by FDOT in the State of Florida.

Stakeholder: FDOT State Traffic Engineering and Operations Office

Systems Interconnected
with the FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure:

Architecture Flows
to/from the FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure:

FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon CFX Expressway Management System FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon City of Tallahassee/FDOT RTMC FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 1 SWIFT Center FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 2 RTMC FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 3 Chipley STMC FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 4 FMS FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 4 I-595 FMS FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT I-75 Satellite Center FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FDOT TERL FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon Gainesville Smart Traffic TMC FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure flows into icon MDX TMC CFX Expressway Management Systemflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure City of Tallahassee/FDOT RTMCflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 1 SWIFT Centerflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 2 RTMCflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 3 Chipley STMCflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 4 Arterial Management Systemflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 4 FMSflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 4 I-595 FMSflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 5 RTMCflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Centerflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Centerflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT I-75 Satellite Centerflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FDOT TERLflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC)flows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FTE Operations Center (Pompano)flows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake)flows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Gainesville Smart Traffic TMCflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure MDX TMCflows into iconFDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure:

Last Updated 2/6/2025