Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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Statewide Express Lanes Software

Status: Ongoing

Description: The Statewide Express Lanes Software (SELS) is a statewide system to manage and seemlessly operate Florida Express Lane facilities. Express lanes are optional travel lanes, located on an interstate or toll road, that customers can choose to use when they want a more predictable travel time. Customers in the express lanes pay a dynamically priced toll that increases as traffic begins to build in the express lanes and decreases as traffic reduces. Express lanes are designed with a limited number of entrance and exit points to serve longer, more regional trips. Customers must have an active and properly mounted SunPass or other interoperable transponder, as no cash or TOLL–BY–PLATE is accepted in the express lanes. The Express Lanes software coupled with SunGuide software to share traffic conditions, DMS and traffic images to manage the Express Lanes Facilities.

Stakeholder: FDOT

Systems Interconnected
with the Statewide Express Lanes Software

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Statewide Express Lanes Software:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Statewide Express Lanes Software:

Statewide Express Lanes Software flows into icon FDOT District Transportation Management Centers using SunGuide FDOT District Transportation Management Centers using SunGuideflows into iconStatewide Express Lanes Software

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Statewide Express Lanes Software:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Statewide Express Lanes Software:

Last Updated 2/6/2025