FDOT ATMS Software Enhancement Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the FDOT ATMS Software Enhancement project.
Service Packages
- Floridas Turnpike Enterprise
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collects transportation data for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Operates and maintains SunGuide as a transportation management platform.
- Private Sector ISPs
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide road network information.
- County City and Local Emergency Management Agencies
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate emergency plans and maintenance resources with local maintenance and construction agencies.
- Coordinate emergency plans, emergency transit schedules, and the status of emergency transit systems with regional transit agencies.
- Coordinate incident and threat information (as part of an early warning system) with RTMCs; regional emergency management agencies; regional maintenance and construction agencies; and regional transit agencies.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with Floridas SEOC, local EOCs, and FDOT District EOCs.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS, county EOC, local police, local fire/EMS, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate county/region wide emergency plans; evacuation and re-entry plans; and disaster management plans with regional emergency management agencies; traffic management agencies; transit management agencies; and maintenance and construction
- FDOT State Traffic Engineering and Operations Office
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect traffic information; incident information; multimodal information; maintenance and construction information; work zone information; and weather information, and provide it to the public via Florida 511 and private sector information providers
- Coordinate and share traveler information with Florida 511 and all private sector traveler ISPs in the state.
- Coordinate archiving information with other regional safety or crash data collection systems.
- Coordinate emergency information with state, county and local emergency management agencies.
- Coordinate maintenance information between FDOT TMCs and FDOT district, county and local maintenance divisions and private contractors.
- Coordinate traffic archive data with third party archive providers.
- Coordinate traffic information with archive data providers.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local traffic control systems.
- Coordinate transit information with transit providers.
- Coordinate transportation information between FDOT and other Florida TMCs.
- Coordinate with commercial vehicle onboard safety and security monitors for driver logs, onboard safety information, and safety inspection records.
- Coordinate with private and third party information service providers.
- Coordinate with the FHP for enforcement of CVO violations.
- Distribute maintenance and construction information to Florida 511, FDOT TMCs, and private traveler information providers.
- Operate and monitor commercial vehicle platoons on FDOT highways.
- Provide commercial vehicle parking information to private fleet systems, the FTE operations centers, and the FDOT RTMCs.
- FDOT Districts
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collects transportation data for each FDOT District for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Manages and maintains a complete inventory of FDOT mobile resources, including generators and dynamic message signs.
- Operates and maintains SunGuide as a transportation management platform.
- County City and Local Traffic Engineering
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate road network conditions and incident information.
- FDOT Data Archiving
Roles and Responsibilities
- Accesses SunGuide Data Archive data provided by SunGuide systems for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
Last Updated 2/6/2025