FDOT Office of Modal Development
Description: The Office of Modal Development acts as a tool to better connect, develop, and implement the freight planning process through coordination of government–owned and privately–owned resources in creating multimodal connections to transform Florida's economy in becoming a global hub for trade, logistics, and export–oriented manufacturing.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Management for Florida Statewide Services ITS Architecture
- Accesses archived FDOT Aviation Database containing transportation data related to aviation in the State of Florida for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects FDOT Aviation data related to aviation in the State of Florida data for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Accesses transit data from four distinct databases for Transit data including passenger, inventory, and fare data for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects transit data from four distinct databases for Transit data including passenger, inventory, and fare data for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Accesses archived rail-transportation data related to rail in the State of Florida including freight and passenger data for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects rail-transportation data related to rail in the State of Florida including freight and passenger data for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Accesses FDOT Rail-Highway Crossings Database including characteristics of the grade crossings, including crash reports for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects FDOT Rail-Highway Crossings data including characteristics of the grade crossings, including crash reports for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Accesses marine transportation data in the State of Florida including cargo and ports data for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects marine transportation data in the State of Florida including cargo and ports data for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
Last Updated 2/6/2025