z Multimodal Accessible Travel Planning (example project)
Project Description: Multimodal Accessible Travel (MAT) Trip Planning offers the user trip planning and pre–trip guidance services. It generates a trip plan, including a multimodal route and associated service information (e.g., parking information), based on traveler preferences and constraints. The trip plan will be confirmed by the traveler reservations for transit and alternate mode (e.g., airline, rail, and ferry) trip segments, and ancillary services are accepted and processed.
Project Status: Future
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Electric Charging Management Center - Electric Charging Management
1: The center shall monitor the current operational status of charging stations under its mangement.
2: The center shall maintain the current charging rates for the charging stations under its management.
3: The center shall manage reservations and payment of charging services.
4: The center shall interface receive charging station power status from electric utilities in order to identify any power issues that might affect charging operations.
5: The center shall provide charging station information to traveler information systems.
IndyGo Kiosks - Traveler Trip Planning
1: The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler to support trip planning.
2: The public interface for transit shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler to support trip planning.
4: The public interface for travelers shall base requests to support trip planning on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.
5: The public interface for travelers shall support traveler trip planning input in audio or manual form.
6: The public interface for travelers shall present trip planning information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.
8: The traveler support equipment shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking.
9: The traveler support equipment shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.
IndyGo Operations Center - Shared Use Operations
1: The center shall accept requests for shared use transportation.
3: The center shall accept updates to the traveler's account as directed by the traveler's personal device.
4: The center shall provide to public transportation the status of the shared use operations.
IndyGo Operations Center - TIC Data Collection
12: The center shall collect information on transit schedule and service changes that adapt the service to better meet needs of responders and the general public in an emergency situation, including special service schedules supporting evacuation.
2: The center shall select real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, transit information, parking information, special event and incident information.
24: The center shall collect, process, and store pathway information.
3: The center shall collect, process, and store maintenance and construction information, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.
4: The center shall collect, process, and store transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information.
IndyGo Operations Center - TIC Dynamic Ridesharing
1: The center shall accept requests from traveler interface systems for ridesharing as part of a trip plan request.
2: The center shall provide a rideshare match based on origin and destination of the traveler's proposed trip, any routing constraints, preferences specified by the traveler, compatibility of this rideshare with rideshares confirmed by other travelers, the requesting traveler's eligibility data, and traffic data.
4: The center shall arrange connections to transit or other multimodal services for portions of a multi-segment trip that includes ridesharing.
5: The center shall provide a confirmation of the traveler's rideshare match and provide the capability to support a payment transaction for the rideshare service.
6: The center shall store all rideshare matches and traveler eligibility data.
IndyGo Operations Center - TIC Trip Planning
1: The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.
11: The center shall generate trips based on the use of more than one mode of transport.
12: The center shall use the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler in the trip request to select the most appropriate mode of transport.
3: The center shall support on-line route guidance for travelers using personal devices (such as PDAs).
6: The center shall generate route plans based on current and/or predicted conditions of the road network, scheduled maintenance and construction work activities, and work zone activities.
7: The center shall generate route plans based on transit services, including fares, schedules, and requirements for travelers with special needs.
IndyGo Operations Center - Transit Center Connection Protection
1: The center shall manage service requests for routing of an individual through the transit system.
2: The center shall provide transit plans for both fixed and demand responsive transit to transit passengers.
3: The center shall coordinate with Other Transit Management systems or Multimodal Transportation Service Providers in order to provide a complete multimodal trip plan.
5: The center shall track transit vehicles and identify when connections between transit routes are in jeopardy due to the late arrival of a transit vehicle at a transfer stop or station.
7: The center shall provide a traveler with updates regarding their transit trip, including connection protection actions taken by the center.
Micro-Mobility Services - Shared Use Operations
1: The center shall accept requests for shared use transportation.
4: The center shall provide to public transportation the status of the shared use operations.
6: The center shall accept traveler-specific information sufficient to establish an account for the traveler's use of shared services from the traveler's personal device.
Personal Computing Devices - Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance
1: The personal traveler interface shall allow a traveler to request and confirm multi-modal route guidance from a specified source to a destination.
12: The personal traveler interface to identify trip planning parameters: Origin, Destination, departure time, arrival time, acceptable modes, so that they might plan for a single coordinated trip using multiple modes using a single action.
14: The personal traveler interface shall be able to save regularly used trips.
2: The personal traveler interface shall forward the request for route guidance to a traveler information center for route calculation.
3: The personal traveler interface shall forward user preferences, background information, constraints, and payment information to the supplying traveler information center.
4: The personal traveler interface shall present personal trip planning information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.
Private Traveler Services - Shared Use Operations
1: The center shall accept requests for shared use transportation.
2: The center shall provide the traveler with a shared use transportation option.
3: The center shall accept updates to the traveler's account as directed by the traveler's personal device.
6: The center shall accept traveler-specific information sufficient to establish an account for the traveler's use of shared services from the traveler's personal device.
7: The center shall provide to the traveler the location of a shared use vehicle which the traveler has reserved.
8: The center shall be able to send an access command to a shared use vehicle to allow the traveler to gain access of the vehicle.
Private Traveler Services - TIC Data Collection
2: The center shall select real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, transit information, parking information, special event and incident information.
24: The center shall collect, process, and store pathway information.
3: The center shall collect, process, and store maintenance and construction information, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.
4: The center shall collect, process, and store transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information.
5: The center shall collect, process, and store parking information, including location, availability, and fees.
6: The center shall collect, process, and store toll fee information.
7: The center shall collect, process, and store current and forecast road conditions and surface weather conditions.
Private Traveler Services - TIC Dynamic Ridesharing
4: The center shall arrange connections to transit or other multimodal services for portions of a multi-segment trip that includes ridesharing.
Private Traveler Services - TIC Trip Planning
1: The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.
11: The center shall generate trips based on the use of more than one mode of transport.
12: The center shall use the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler in the trip request to select the most appropriate mode of transport.
13: The center shall provide the capability for the traveler to confirm the proposed trip plan.
15: The center shall generate route plans to account for parking availability.
16: The center shall match a travelers trip plan with what is available or is projected to be available at the time of the trip, respecting all parameters the traveler provided.
2: The center shall include bicycle routes, walkways, skyways, and multi-use trails in the pre-trip and en route directions it provides to travelers.
3: The center shall support on-line route guidance for travelers using personal devices (such as PDAs).
4: The center shall support on-line route guidance for drivers in vehicles.
6: The center shall generate route plans based on current and/or predicted conditions of the road network, scheduled maintenance and construction work activities, and work zone activities.
7: The center shall generate route plans based on transit services, including fares, schedules, and requirements for travelers with special needs.
Vehicles - Light Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance
1: The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to request and confirm multi-modal route guidance from a specified source to a destination.
2: The vehicle shall forward the request for route guidance to a traveler information center for route calculation.
3: The vehicle shall forward user preferences, background information, constraints, and payment information to the supplying traveler information center.
4: The vehicle shall present trip information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
5: The vehicle shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking.
6: The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to obtain route guidance from a specified source to a destination.
Project Operational Concepts:
Regional Objectives from the Metropolitan Plan:
1. To enhance transportation options and choices for all users.
1C. Support transit initiatives to improve service quality, access to, and reliability of transit.
2. To implement strategies that address congested segments.
2A. Develop mobility strategies that address system performance and congested transportation segments.
3. To support economic mobility for all Central Indiana residents.
3A. Increase opportunities for residents to reduce transportation costs.
3B. Assure investments are applied equitably without disproportionately affecting disadvantaged populations.
4. To improve job access for Central Indiana commuters.
4A. Improve job access.
7. To preserve or enhance the existing transportation system.
7B. Preserve or enhance the quality and condition of transit resources.
8. To minimize negative impacts of the transportation system on the natural environment.
8B. Support projects that improve air quality.
Last Updated: 2/7/2024