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z Multimodal Accessible Travel Payment Integration (example project)
z Multimodal Accessible Travel Payment Integration (example project)
Project Description: Multimodal Accessible Travel (MAT) Integrated Multimodal Payment provides electronic payment capability for transit fares, tolls, road use, parking, and other areas requiring electronic payments. It enables the provision of payment for transportation services using a single account for multiple public transportation providers. The transportation user establishes an account with a financial service provider, and payment administration center (PAC) communicates with various public transportation providers to coordinate charges. It supports the management of transportation user access rights (i.e., this user can use the subway but not the bus). Payment transactions are centralized; the user provides only a secure, registered token (the 'secureID') to the transportation provider's access control equipment. The transportation provider uses that token and context to initiate transactions with the PAC.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
IndyGo Kiosks - Traveler Fare Management
1: The public interface for travelers shall accept and process current transit passenger fare collection information.
2: The public interface for travelers shall calculate a fare based on the origin and destination provided by the traveler, in conjunction with transit routing, transit fare category, and transit user history.
4: The public interface for travelers shall provide information to the center for financial authorization and transaction processing.
8: The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
IndyGo Operations Center - Shared Use Account and Fee Management
1: The center shall acquire information from the payment center describing payment methods the institution is willing to accept.
IndyGo Operations Center - TIC Payment Support
1: The center shall coordinate with payment administration centers that serve as a clearing house for a regional payment system in order to perform payment reconciliation.
IndyGo Operations Center - Transit Center Fare Management
10: The center shall provide transit fare information to traveler information providers upon request.
3: The center shall process the financial requests from the transit vehicles or roadside and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.
6: The center shall process requests for transit fares to be paid in advance.
IndyGo Transit Vehicles - Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management
1: The transit vehicle shall read data from the traveler card / payment instrument presented by boarding passengers.
12: The transit vehicle fare system shall deduct the trip fare from the traveler's smart card.
6: The transit vehicle shall provide a transit fare payment interface that is suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
9: The transit vehicle shall provide fare statistics data to the center.
Micro-Mobility Services - Shared Use Account and Fee Management
1: The center shall acquire information from the payment center describing payment methods the institution is willing to accept.
2: The center shall request payment through the finaincial institution for shared use services when such services are requested by the traveler.
4: The center shall provide updated user account information to the payment center.
Payment Administration Center - PAC Payment Administration
12: The center shall register users for an electronic payment system, establishing accounts that identify owner billing information and preferences.
13: The center shall provide secure user account management for the electronic payment system, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.
16: The center shall receive traveler payment information and compute the cost of using the portion of the transportation system.
17: The center shall process and clear payments from travelers and vehicle owners.
24: The center shall calculate the cost of a complete trip according to a trip plan, accommodating multiple modes if the trip plan uses more than one mode.
25: The center shall be able to authenticate and charge transactions with financial institutions.
26: The center shall be able to charge trips to managed accounts.
27: The center shall provide a bank card / fare pair to a financial processor for conditional approval of fare payment.
3: The center shall provide secure user account management, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.
33: The center shall access service metrics for all modes of transport for which they bill. Relevant metrics may include service cost, availability, allowed payments, fare caps and discounts.
34: The center shall provide fare payment to the transport provider when payment for travel on the transport provider vehicles is made with a regional payment system.
35: The center shall discount a traveler's rate for different segments of a multimodal trip based on the eligibility of the traveler.
Personal Computing Devices - Personal Interactive Traveler Information
11: The personal traveler interface shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.
19: The personal traveler interface shall provide the ability for a traveler to set up and modify a user account for a regional electronic payment system.
28: The personal traveler interface shall provide payment information for each segment of a multimodal trip.
Private Parking Area Equipment - Parking Area Electronic Payment
2: The parking element shall read data from the payment device on-board the vehicle or by the traveler.
6: The parking element shall process the financial requests and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.
7: The parking element shall support the payment of parking lot transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.
8: The parking element shall process requests for parking lot charges to be paid in advance.
Private Parking Management System - Parking Account and Fee Management
1: The center shall support parking electronic fare collection.
2: The center shall support user electronic payment account registration.
3: The center shall provide parking pricing and user account information.
Private Traveler Services - Shared Use Account and Fee Management
1: The center shall acquire information from the payment center describing payment methods the institution is willing to accept.
2: The center shall request payment through the finaincial institution for shared use services when such services are requested by the traveler.
4: The center shall provide updated user account information to the payment center.
Private Traveler Services - TIC Payment Support
1: The center shall coordinate with payment administration centers that serve as a clearing house for a regional payment system in order to perform payment reconciliation.
Vehicles - Light Vehicle Payment Service
5: The vehicle shall provide payment information on request under control of the vehicle owner/operator.
9: The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of parking used when requested by the vehicle operator.
Project Operational Concepts:
Regional Objectives from the Metropolitan Plan:
1. To enhance transportation options and choices for all users.
1C. Support transit initiatives to improve service quality, access to, and reliability of transit.
3. To support economic mobility for all Central Indiana residents.
3A. Increase opportunities for residents to reduce transportation costs.
3B. Assure investments are applied equitably without disproportionately affecting disadvantaged populations.
4. To improve job access for Central Indiana commuters.
4A. Improve job access.
7. To preserve or enhance the existing transportation system.
7B. Preserve or enhance the quality and condition of transit resources.
Last Updated: 2/7/2024