VDOT's ITS Architecture Banner
Virginia's Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures


VSP Center

Status: Existing

Description: This Virginia State Police (VSP) center is responsible for providing public safety in the state of Virginia by responding to incidents that occur on VDOT's roadway system.

Stakeholder: Virginia State Police

Systems Interconnected
with the VSP Center

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VSP Center:

Architecture Flows
to/from the VSP Center:

VSP Center flows into icon City of Danville TMC VSP Center flows into icon Local Public Safety Centers VSP Center flows into icon VDOT Lynchburg District Maintenance Residencies VSP Center flows into icon VDOT Southwestern TOC/ATMS VSP Center flows into icon VSP Mobile Unified Command Center VSP Center flows into icon VSP Vehicles City of Danville TMCflows into iconVSP Center Local Public Safety Centersflows into iconVSP Center Private Commercial Vehiclesflows into iconVSP Center VDOT Lynchburg District Maintenance Residenciesflows into iconVSP Center VDOT Southwestern TOC/ATMSflows into iconVSP Center Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centersflows into iconVSP Center VSP Mobile Unified Command Centerflows into iconVSP Center VSP Vehiclesflows into iconVSP Center

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VSP Center:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VSP Center:

Last Updated 2/25/2025