6.4.3: Report Ride Match Results to Requestor

This process shall report ridesharing match results to requesters. The data for the results shall be provided to this process by other processes responsible for assessing traveler eligibility, and the actual match with travelers in other rideshares. The process shall output data indicating a failure when either the data from the eligibility process shows a failure, or no ridesharing match can be found. The process shall also determine that no ridesharing match can be found if no match is found between the traveler's rideshare request and the rideshare data provided as input to it by another process. When a successful match is found, the process shall output the rideshare data to the process from which the traveler's request was received.

This process is associated with the Transportation Information Center physical object.

This process is associated with the following application objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: