driver log Quintuple

Bidirectional?: True

driver log (A-Interconnect): This CVRIA application interconnect encapsulates all of the Layer 2 information flows between the 'CVOBE-SP Information Exchange' application object and the 'Other CVOBE Service Provider' physical object. In this case, there is only a single Layer 2 flow associated with this interconnect, so the Layer 1 application interconnect name and the Layer 2 information flow name are both 'driver log'. This application interconnect is bi-directional since the underlying layer 2 information flows carry data in both directions.

Other CVOBE Service Provider (Source Physical Object): The 'Other CVOBE Service Provider' is an Australia-specific physical object that is used when the transport operator contracts more than one CVOBE-SP or when a driver works for two companies and the operator also needs the driver log from the drivers other work.

Commercial Vehicle OBE Service Provider (Destination Physical Object): The 'Commercial Vehicle OBE Service Provider' (CVOBE-SP) is an Australia-specific physical object that provides data exchange and commercial vehicle tracking services to other parties involved in commercial vehicle management. It also manages CV OBEs and the operational software on those devices.

CVOBE-SP Information Exchange (Destination Application Object): "CVOBE-SP Information Exchange" is an Australia-specific application object.