road network conditions Quintuple

Bidirectional?: False

road network conditions (A-Interconnect): This CVRIA application interconnect encapsulates all of the Layer 2 information flows between two application objects: 'TMC Environmental Monitoring', and 'Fleet Administration'. In this case, there is only a single Layer 2 flow associated with this interconnect, so the Layer 1 application interconnect name and the Layer 2 information flow name are both 'road network conditions'. This application interconnect is uni-directional since the underlying layer 2 information flows go from 'Traffic Management Center' to 'Fleet and Freight Management Center'.

Traffic Management Center (Source Physical Object): The 'Traffic Management Center' monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It represents centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. It communicates with ITS Roadway Equipment and Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment (RSE) to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. It manages traffic and transportation resources to support allied agencies in responding to, and recovering from, incidents ranging from minor traffic incidents through major disasters.

TMC Environmental Monitoring (Source Application Object): "TMC Environmental Monitoring" assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information, information collected by other centers such as the Maintenance and Construction Management Center, and data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator. This information can be used to issue general traveler advisories and support location specific warnings to drivers.

Fleet and Freight Management Center (Destination Physical Object): The 'Fleet and Freight Management Center' provides the capability for commercial drivers and fleet-freight managers to receive real-time routing information and access databases containing vehicle and/or freight equipment locations as well as carrier, vehicle, freight equipment and driver information. The 'Fleet and Freight Management Center' also provides the capability for fleet managers to monitor the safety and security of their commercial vehicle drivers and fleet.

Fleet Administration (Destination Application Object): "Fleet Administration" provides vehicle tracking, dispatch, and reporting capabilities to fleet management center personnel. It gathers current road conditions and traffic information, prepares vehicle routes, and provides a fleet interface for toll collection. It also provides route plan information for network performance evaluation. As part of the tracking function, it monitors commercial vehicle location, compares it against the known route and notifies the Emergency Management Center and Fleet-Freight Manager of any deviations, including HAZMAT route restriction violations. It supports carrier participation in wireless roadside inspection programs, monitoring geographic trigger areas and providing current safety data on behalf of the commercial vehicles it manages. It supports pre-hiring checks for potential drivers and monitors the performance of each driver who is hired. It also supports ongoing monitoring of the company's safety performance.