system monitoring Quintuple

Bidirectional?: False

system monitoring (A-Interconnect): This CVRIA application interconnect encapsulates all of the Layer 2 information flows between two application objects: 'Center Support Services', and 'SM Device Management'. In this case, there is only a single Layer 2 flow associated with this interconnect, so the Layer 1 application interconnect name and the Layer 2 information flow name are both 'system monitoring'. This application interconnect is uni-directional since the underlying layer 2 information flows go from 'Center' to 'Service Monitor System'.

Center (Source Physical Object): This general physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to any center.

Center Support Services (Source Application Object): 'Center Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.

Service Monitor System (Destination Physical Object): The 'Service Monitor System' represents one or more center-based systems that provide monitoring, management and control services necessary to other applications and/or devices operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. These support services enable other applications to provide transportation services.

SM Device Management (Destination Application Object): 'SM Device Management' provides the functions necessary to manage devices, including network management, operational status monitoring, and application performance monitoring.