object registration and discovery Quintuple

Bidirectional?: True

object registration and discovery (A-Interconnect): This CVRIA application interconnect encapsulates all of the Layer 2 information flows between two application objects: 'DDS Support Services', and 'Object Registration and Discovery'. This application interconnect is bi-directional since the underlying layer 2 information flows carry data in both directions.

Data Distribution System (Source Physical Object): The 'Data Distribution System' collects, processes, and distributes connected vehicle data, connecting data producers with data consumers and facilitating data exchange in the Connected Vehicle Environment.

DDS Support Services (Source Application Object): "DDS Support Services" provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It also provides an overall service monitoring function.

Object Registration and Discovery Service (Destination Physical Object): The 'Object Registration and Discovery Service' represents one or more center-based applications that provide registration and lookup services necessary to allow objects to locate (for communications purposes) other objects operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. These registration and discovery services are support services that enable other applications.

Object Registration and Discovery (Destination Application Object): 'Object Registration and Discovery' facilitates the registration of services by the respective service providers and the subsequent query-based discovery of these registered services. Many of the services offered by roadside or center-based service providers operating within the project geographic boundary will require an advertisement of their existence and cyber location to potential users; which consist primarily of PIDs and vehicles, but could include roadside or other center based services.