Link Type: Short Range Wireless

Roadside Equipment --> Vehicle OBE:
intersection safety warning


intersection safety warning (Information Flow): A warning of an imminent unsafe vehicle infringement at an intersection that may endanger other vehicles or pedestrians. This allows vehicles approaching the intersection to be warned in the event of an imminent red light or stop sign violation or potential infringement on an occupied crosswalk. All connected vehicles at the intersection receive the warning, including both the infringing vehicle and other vehicles at or near the intersection.

Roadside Equipment (Source Physical Object): 'Roadside Equipment' (RSE) represents the Connected Vehicle roadside devices that are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) or other alternative wireless communications technologies. Communications with adjacent field equipment and back office centers that monitor and control the RSE are also supported. This device operates from a fixed position and may be permanently deployed or a portable device that is located temporarily in the vicinity of a traffic incident, road construction, or a special event. It includes a processor, data storage, and communications capabilities that support secure communications with passing vehicles, other field equipment, and centers.

Vehicle OBE (Destination Physical Object): The Vehicle On-Board Equipment (OBE) provides the vehicle-based processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support connected vehicle operations. The radio(s) supporting V2V and V2I communications are a key component of the Vehicle OBE. This communication platform is augmented with processing and data storage capability that supports the connected vehicle applications.

In CVRIA, the Vehicle OBE includes the functions and interfaces that support connected vehicle applications for passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Many of these applications (e.g., V2V Safety applications) apply to all vehicle types including personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and maintenance vehicles. From this perspective, the Vehicle OBE includes the common interfaces and functions that apply to all motorized vehicles.

Included In

This Information Flow is in the following Applications:

This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:

Communication Diagrams

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This profile describes a set of standards applicable to broadcast, near constant, low latency vehicle- to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications using the WAVE Short Messaging Protocol (WSMP) over the 5.9GHz spectrum.



Characteristic Value
Time Context Now
Spatial Context Adjacent
Acknowledgement False
Cardinality Broadcast
Initiator Source


This information flow triple is in the following applications with the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Application Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk Warning Not Applicable High Moderate
This data is intentionally transmitted to everyone via a broadcast. It can also be determined via other visual indicators. This message is broadcast as a warning, allowing infringing drivers to avoid a collision with a pedestrian and all other drivers to avoid the infringing driver. If this message is falsely broadcast it could cause drivers who think they may be infringing to break suddenly, increasing the chance of a collisions from behind. If it were constantly broadcast incorrectly, it may lead to drivers ignoring this notifications. All of these cases have an impact on safety This message has a very short window in which it is valid. If it is not delivered until after the driver has passed the point of no return before entering the crosswalk, they will not gain any information from it, rendering the application useless.