"Southeast Nebraska stakeholders working together on technology applications to mitigate congestion, enhance mobility, and improve safety throughout the region."


Road Weather Information Systems transmit data and images to monitoring sites. An example is that in regions where snow or fog are a serious safety issue, there may be sensors in the road or cameras that send pictures or other information to a place where they can be viewed by travelers in order to let travelers know about weather advisories.

Public Transit Systems can use technology to notify passengers when the next bus will arrive, simplify ticket purchases, and provide information regarding routes, options, and wayfinding. Transit operations can be monitored, crashes and obstructions detected, and priority at intersections can be allowed.

Commercial Vehicle Operations can streamline regulatory processes such as registration and permitting with enhanced communications between commercial carriers and state or regional agencies. Communications among shippers, receivers, and dispatchers can also be enhanced. Goods movement can be continuously tracked, and fleet operators can use ITS data to help schedule trucks, trailers, and rail cars.