Private Sector ISP Centers
These centers provides value added transportation information to the public. Examples includes Mobility Technologies, Trichord, TrafficCast, and Tele Atlas.
Systems Interconnected
with the Private Sector ISP Centers
- NRO Thornburg Center
- VDOT Fredericksburg District Maintenance and Construction Residencies
- VDOT NOVA District Construction Management
- VDOT NOVA District Maintenance
- VDOT NOVA District Parking Management
- VDOT NRO MPSTOC - Signal Center
- VDOT VaTraffic
- VDOT Video Clearinghouses
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Private Sector ISP Centers:
- Private Sector ISP Centers NRO Thornburg Center
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT Fredericksburg District Maintenance and Construction Residencies
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NOVA CSC
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NOVA District Construction Management
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NOVA District Maintenance
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NOVA District Parking Management
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NRO MPSTOC - Signal Center
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NRO MPSTOC - TOC
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT NRO TFO
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT VaTraffic
- Private Sector ISP Centers VDOT Video Clearinghouses
- Private Sector ISP Centers Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Architecture Flows
to/from the Private Sector ISP Centers:
Private Sector ISP Centers NRO Thornburg CenterNational ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Private Sector ISP Centers:
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Private Sector ISP Centers:
- ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information -- Graphic 1 2
- ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information -- Graphic 1 2
- ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination -- (Graphic)
- ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System -- Graphic 1 2 3 4
- MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination -- Graphic 1 2
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Private Sector ISP Centers:
Interactive Infrastructure Information
- The center shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized parking information to travelers, including location, availability, and fees upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized weather information to travelers upon request.
- The center shall accept traveler profiles for determining the type of personalized data to send to the traveler.
- The center shall manage updates of digitized map data and provide updates to traveler interface systems upon request.
- The center shall provide the capability to support requests from the media for traffic and incident data.
- The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of traveler information.
- The center shall distribute traffic data to the media; the capability to provide the information in both data stream and graphical display shall be supported.
- The center shall receive inputs concerning upcoming events that would effect the traffic network from event promoters, traveler information service providers, border crossings, and intermodal freight depots.