Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
This element represents a planned back office environment for housing data of its customers for the entire state of Virginia. This is conceptually similar to RITIS (which is for the DC/MD/VA area). A similar function is currently performed for the 511 system by Virginia Tech in Blacksburg
Systems Interconnected
with the Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
- Dulles Greenway
- MWAA Center
- Northern Region Local TOCs
- NRO Local Transit Centers
- Private Sector ISP Centers
- Shelter Centers
- Special Event Promoters
- VDOT Mobility Data Store
- VDOT NOVA District Parking Management
- VDOT NRO MPSTOC - Signal Center
- WMATA Transit Police (MTPD) Control Center
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse:
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Dulles Greenway
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
MWAA Center
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Northern Region Local TOCs
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
NRO Local Transit Centers
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Private Sector ISP Centers
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Shelter Centers
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
Special Event Promoters
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
VDOT Mobility Data Store
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
VDOT NOVA District Parking Management
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
VDOT NRO MPSTOC - Signal Center
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
- Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse
WMATA Transit Police (MTPD) Control Center
Architecture Flows
to/from the Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse:
Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse:
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse:
- MC08 - Work Zone Management - VDOT Fredericksburg District -- (Graphic)
- MC08 - Work Zone Management - VDOT NOVA District -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Virginia Statewide Information Clearinghouse:
Basic Information Broadcast
- The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
- The center shall disseminate maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.
- The center shall disseminate transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers.
- The center shall disseminate weather information to travelers.
- The center shall disseminate event information to travelers.
- The center shall provide the capability to support requests from the media for traffic and incident data.
- The center shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized weather information to travelers upon request.
- The center shall disseminate customized event information to travelers upon request.
- The center shall manage updates of digitized map data and provide updates to traveler interface systems upon request.
- The center shall provide the capability to process voice-formatted requests for traveler information from a traveler telephone information system, and return the information in the requested format.
- The center shall provide information on traffic conditions in the requested voice format and for the requested location.
- The center shall provide work zone and roadway maintenance information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.
- The center shall provide roadway environment conditions information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.
- The center shall provide weather and event information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.
- The center shall disseminate emergency evacuation information to the traveler interface systems, including evacuation zones, shelter information, available transportation modes, road closures and detours, changes to transit services, and traffic and road conditions at the origin, destination, and along the evacuation routes.
- The center shall disseminate wide-area alert information to the traveler interface systems, including major emergencies such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, child abductions, severe weather watches and warnings, military activities, and law enforcement warnings.
- The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the traveler information data or for the data itself.
- The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.