Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
Interconnects - Flows - Entities - Services - Functional Requirements
Definition:This center is responsible for providing public safety on the Kansas Turnpike along with managing the toll collection processes on the turnpike. This center will also provide Kansas 511 with traffic congestion information for the turnpike.
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Systems Interconnected with the Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
 Diagram |
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Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Kansas Turnpike Authority Center:
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Architecture Flows to/from the Kansas Turnpike Authority Center:
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Kansas Highway Patrol Dispatch
alert notification coordination
alert status
emergency plan coordination
evacuation coordination
resource coordination
threat information coordination
toll service change response
transportation system status
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Kansas Turnpike Authority Environmental Sensors Stations
environmental sensors control
roadway information system data
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KDOT Planning Archive
toll archive data
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KDOT TOC (Wichita Metro) Maintenance and Construction System
alert notification
emergency plan coordination
evacuation information
incident information
incident response status
maint and constr resource request
threat information
transportation system status
work plan feedback
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KDOT Traffic Operations Center (Wichita Metro)
alert notification
emergency plan coordination
emergency traffic control request
evacuation information
incident information
incident response status
resource request
threat information
traffic information coordination
transportation system status
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KHP Turnpike Dispatch System
alert notification coordination
alert status
emergency plan coordination
evacuation coordination
incident command information coordination
incident report
incident response coordination
resource coordination
threat information coordination
toll service change response
transportation system status
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KTA Maintenance Vehicle
environmental sensors control
maint and constr dispatch information
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KTA Motorist Assistance Patrol Vehicles
emergency dispatch requests
suggested route
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center KTA Toll Collection Equipment
toll advisories
toll instructions
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Media
incident information for media
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Sedgwick County 911
alert notification coordination
alert status
emergency plan coordination
evacuation coordination
resource coordination
threat information coordination
toll service change response
transportation system status
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Sedgwick County Maintenance and Construction System
alert notification
emergency plan coordination
evacuation information
incident information
incident response status
maint and constr resource request
threat information
transportation system status
work plan feedback
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Surface Transportation Weather Service Providers
environmental conditions data
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Wichita Construction and Maintenance System
alert notification
emergency plan coordination
evacuation information
incident information
incident response status
maint and constr resource request
threat information
transportation system status
work plan feedback
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Wichita Traffic Operations Center
alert notification
emergency plan coordination
emergency traffic control request
evacuation information
incident information
incident response status
resource request
threat information
transportation system status
Kansas Turnpike Authority Center Wichita Transit Operations Center
alert notification
emergency plan coordination
emergency transit service request
evacuation information
threat information
transportation system status
Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) System Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alerts and advisories
Kansas Highway Patrol Dispatch Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert notification
alert notification coordination
alerts and advisories
emergency plan coordination
evacuation coordination
resource coordination
threat information coordination
toll service change request
transportation system status
Kansas Turnpike Authority Environmental Sensors Stations Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
environmental conditions data
vehicle probe data
KDOT Planning Archive Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
archive requests
archive status
KDOT TOC (Wichita Metro) Maintenance and Construction System Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert status
emergency plan coordination
incident information
maint and constr resource response
road network status assessment
work zone information
KDOT Traffic Operations Center (Wichita Metro) Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert status
emergency plan coordination
emergency traffic control information
incident information
resource deployment status
road network conditions
road network status assessment
toll service change request
traffic images
KHP Turnpike Dispatch System Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert notification
alert notification coordination
emergency plan coordination
evacuation coordination
incident command information coordination
incident report
incident response coordination
resource coordination
threat information coordination
toll service change request
transportation system status
KTA Maintenance Vehicle Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
environmental probe data
maint and constr dispatch status
maint and constr vehicle location data
KTA Motorist Assistance Patrol Vehicles Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
emergency dispatch response
emergency vehicle tracking data
environmental probe data
incident status
KTA Toll Collection Equipment Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
toll transactions
Media Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
media information request
National Weather Service Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
environmental conditions data
weather information
Sedgwick County 911 Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert notification
alert notification coordination
emergency plan coordination
evacuation coordination
resource coordination
threat information coordination
toll service change request
transportation system status
Sedgwick County Maintenance and Construction System Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert status
current asset restrictions
emergency plan coordination
incident information
maint and constr resource response
maint and constr work plans
road network status assessment
work zone information
Surface Transportation Weather Service Providers Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
environmental conditions data
Wichita Construction and Maintenance System Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert status
current asset restrictions
emergency plan coordination
incident information
maint and constr resource response
maint and constr work plans
road network status assessment
work zone information
Wichita Traffic Operations Center Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert status
emergency plan coordination
emergency traffic control information
road network status assessment
Wichita Transit Operations Center Kansas Turnpike Authority Center
alert status
emergency plan coordination
emergency transit schedule information
emergency transit service response
transit emergency data
transit system status assessment
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National ITS Architecture Subsystems mapped to the Kansas Turnpike Authority Center:
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National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Kansas Turnpike Authority Center:
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National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Kansas Turnpike Authority Center:
Emergency Call-Taking
- The center shall support the interface to the Emergency Telecommunications System (e.g. 911 or 7-digit call routing) to receive emergency notification information and provide it to the emergency system operator.
- The center shall receive emergency call information from 911 services and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.
- The center shall receive emergency notification information from other public safety agencies and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.
- The center shall receive emergency notification information from public transit systems and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.
- The center shall send a request for remote control of CCTV systems from a traffic management center in order to verify the reported incident.
- The center shall forward the verified emergency information to the responding agency based on the location and nature of the emergency.
Incident Command
- The center shall provide incident command communications with public safety, emergency management, transportation, and other allied response agency centers.
- The center shall share incident command information with other public safety agencies including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, rail incident information, evacuation advice as well as traffic, road, and weather conditions.
- The center shall assess the status of responding emergency vehicles as part of an incident command.
Emergency Response Management
- The center shall provide strategic emergency response capabilities such as that of an Emergency Operations Center for large-scale incidents and disasters.
- The center shall manage coordinated inter-agency responses to and recovery from large-scale emergencies. Such agencies include traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction management, rail operations, and other emergency management agencies.
- The center shall provide the capability to implement response plans and track progress through the incident by exchanging incident information and distributing response status to allied agencies.
- The center shall develop, coordinate with other agencies, and store emergency response plans.
- The center shall track the availability of resources (including vehicles, roadway cleanup, etc.), request additional resources from traffic, maintenance, or other emergency centers if needed.
- The center shall allocate the appropriate emergency services, resources, and vehicle (s) to respond to incidents, and shall provide the capability to override the current allocation to suit the special needs of a current incident.
- The center shall receive event scheduling information from Event Promoters.
- The center shall provide the capability to request transit resource availability from transit centers for use during disaster and evacuation operations.
- The center shall provide information to the media concerning the status of an emergency response.
- The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to provide inputs to the management of incidents, disasters and evacuations.
Emergency Evacuation Support
- The center shall develop and exchange evacuation plans with allied agencies prior to the occurrence of a disaster.
- The center shall coordinate evacuation destinations and shelter needs with shelter providers (e.g., the American Red Cross) in the region.
- The center shall request resources from transit agencies as needed to support the evacuation.
- The center shall request traffic management agencies to implement special traffic control strategies and to control evacuation traffic, including traffic on local streets and arterials as well as the major evacuation routes.
- The center shall monitor the progress or status of the evacuation once it begins and exchange tactical plans, prepared during the incident, with allied agencies.
- The center shall monitor the progress of the reentry process.
- The center shall submit evacuation information to toll administration centers along with requests for changes in the toll services or fee collection during an evacuation.
Emergency Commercial Vehicle Response
- The center shall receive emergency notification information from commercial vehicles, commercial vehicle check stations, or commercial fleet operators and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator. This may include detection of non-permitted transport of security sensitive hazmat, hazardous cargo spills, etc.
Toll Administration
- The center shall manage toll transactions, including maintaining a log of all transactions and toll pricing structure information.
- The center shall dynamically price tolls based on current traffic condition information.
- For electronic toll payments requiring financial payment, the center shall process the financial information from toll plazas and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.
- The center shall manage a local billing database for toll customers.
- The center shall manage the details of toll payment violations based on tag information from the toll plaza, vehicle registration information from the Department of Motor Vehicles, invalid tag information from a Financial Institution, and previous violation information stored locally, and report such violations to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
- The center shall calculate traffic flow based on timestamped toll transactions for vehicle travel between successive toll plazas and send to other agencies.
- The center shall support toll transactions by commercial fleet operators.
Toll Operator Alert
- The center shall receive wide-area alerts and advisories from emergency management centers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.
- The center shall return status back to the emergency management center that initiated the wide-area alert with information indicating the status of the alert from the toll operators including the information systems that are being used to provide the alert notification.
TMC Probe Information Collection
- The center shall collect probe data including traffic and road conditions from vehicles via roadside beacon field elements; the data may be aggregated and initial link time calculations performed in the field.
- The center shall collect traffic data from traveler information centers based on data from their subscriber vehicles; the data may be aggregated and initial link time calculations performed at the sending center.
- The center shall assimilate current and forecast traffic and road conditions based on collected probe data and distribute to other centers for dissemination to travelers.
- The center shall collect operational status for the roadside probe data collection equipment.
- The center shall collect fault data for the roadside probe data collection equipment for repair.
TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination/Communication
- The center shall receive inputs concerning upcoming events that would effect the traffic network from event promoters, traveler information service providers, media, and rail operations centers.
TMC Evacuation Support
- The center shall coordinate planning for evacuation with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities such as establishing routes, areas to be evacuated, timing, etc.
- The center shall coordinate execution of evacuation strategies with emergency management centers - including activities such as setting closures and detours, establishing routes, updating areas to be evacuated, timing the process, etc.
TMC Environmental Monitoring
- The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
- The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
- The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services), data from roadway maintenance operations, and environmental data collected from sensors deployed on and about the roadway.
- The center shall provide weather and road condition information to weather service providers and center personnel.
- The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding environmental sensor control and weather data collection and processing.