Physical Object: Emergency Management Center

Emergency Notification Support


"Emergency Notification Support" receives emergency notification messages from vehicles or personal handheld devices, determines an appropriate response, and either uses internal resources or contacts a local agency to provide that response. The nature of the emergency is determined based on the information in the received message as well as other inputs. This object effectively serves as an interface between automated collision notification systems and the local public safety answering point for messages that require a public safety response. This capability depends on an up-to-date registry of public safety answering points/response agencies by coverage area, the type of emergency, and hours of service.

This application object is included in the "Emergency Management Center" physical object.

This application object is related to the "Emergency Notification Support" enterprise object resource.

This application object is included in the following applications:


Source Physical Object Source Application Object A-Interconnect Destination Physical Object Destination Application Object Bidirectional?
Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support emergency notification and acknowledgement Vehicle OBE Vehicle Emergency Notification I/F True
Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support emergency notification information Roadside Equipment RSE Emergency Notification Support True
Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support emergency system operator interaction Emergency System Operator True
Emergency System Operator emergency system operator interaction Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support True
Emergency Vehicle OBE EV On-Board En Route Support emergency notification relay Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support False
Roadside Equipment RSE Emergency Notification Support emergency notification information Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support True
Vehicle OBE Vehicle Emergency Notification I/F emergency notification and acknowledgement Emergency Management Center Emergency Notification Support True