Physical Object: ITS Roadway Payment Equipment

Roadway Toll Collection Support


"Roadway Toll Collection Support" provides toll plazas the capability to identify properly equipped vehicles, collect electronic tolls, and provide a positive indication to the driver that a toll was collected. Violators are identified and images are collected. Toll transactions are stored and reported to the Payment Administration Center. For CVRIA, this object represents the equipment that supports electronic payment transactions that are actually performed by the RSE (see "RSE Toll Collection") using V2I communications.

This application object is included in the "ITS Roadway Payment Equipment" physical object.

This application object is related to the "Roadway Toll Collection Support" enterprise object resource.

This application object is included in the following applications:




Source Physical Object Source Application Object A-Interconnect Destination Physical Object Destination Application Object Bidirectional?
ITS Roadway Payment Equipment Roadway Toll Collection Support payment transaction field equipment coordination Roadside Equipment RSE Toll Collection True
ITS Roadway Payment Equipment Roadway Toll Collection Support payment transaction monitoring and management info Payment Administration Center PAC Payment Administration True
ITS Roadway Payment Equipment Roadway Toll Collection Support payment transaction status Driver False
Payment Administration Center PAC Payment Administration payment transaction monitoring and management info ITS Roadway Payment Equipment Roadway Toll Collection Support True
Roadside Equipment RSE Toll Collection payment transaction field equipment coordination ITS Roadway Payment Equipment Roadway Toll Collection Support True