emergency acknowledge
Acknowledge request for emergency assistance and provide additional details regarding actions and verification requirements.
Source |
Flow |
Destination |
Emergency Management Center
emergency acknowledge
Roadside Equipment
This Information Flow is in the following Applications:
This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:
This Information Flow has the following data flows:
Source |
Flow |
Destination |
Emergency Management Center
emergency acknowledge
Vehicle OBE
This Information Flow is in the following Applications:
This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:
This Information Flow has the following data flows:
Source |
Flow |
Destination |
Remote Vehicle OBEs
emergency acknowledge
Vehicle OBE
This Information Flow is in the following Applications:
This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:
This Information Flow has the following data flows:
Source |
Flow |
Destination |
Roadside Equipment
emergency acknowledge
Vehicle OBE
This Information Flow is in the following Applications:
This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:
This Information Flow has the following data flows:
Source |
Flow |
Destination |
Vehicle OBE
emergency acknowledge
Remote Vehicle OBEs
This Information Flow is in the following Applications:
This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:
This Information Flow has the following data flows: