Link Type: Human Interface

Data Distribution System --> Data Distribution System Operator:
DDS operations information presentation


DDS operations information presentation (Information Flow): Presentation of information to the DDS Operator including current operational status of the Data Distribution System.

Data Distribution System (Source Physical Object): The 'Data Distribution System' collects, processes, and distributes connected vehicle data, connecting data producers with data consumers and facilitating data exchange in the Connected Vehicle Environment.

Data Distribution System Operator (Destination Physical Object): The 'Data Distribution System Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage the data services provided by the Data Distribution System (DDS). These personnel manage and monitor the systems that support the publish/subscribe services of the DDS.

Included In

This Information Flow is in the following Applications:

This Information Flow is in the following Application Objects:

Communication Diagrams

The destination physical object, "Data Distribution System Operator", is a human interface and so there is no associated communications diagram for this triple.



None defined


This information flow triple is in the following applications with the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Application Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Security levels have not been defined yet.