1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
2: The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
3: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store multimodal crossing, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data under remote control of the center.
4: The center shall distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based on collected and analyzed traffic sensor and surveillance data to other centers.
5: The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding sensor and surveillance data collection, analysis, storage, and distribution.
6: The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
7: The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic.
8: The center shall monitor, analyze, and identify wrong way vehicle entries from traffic images received from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
9: The center shall monitor, analyze, and identify wrong way vehicle entries received from sensor data under remote control of the center.
1: The center shall provide current intersection safety status information.
2: The center shall provide warnings to drivers when non-motorized users are occupying a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.
3: The center shall provide warnings to pedestrians or bicyclists when vehicles are infringing on a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.
4: The field element shall be capable of providing intersection priority for pedestrians or bicyclists based upon requests from the pedestrians or bicyclists
5: The field element shall be capable of configuring roadside equipment to perform the collection and transmission of information to support intersection safety.
1: The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) operational status.
2: The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) operational status.
3: The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
4: The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) fault data send to the maintenance center for repair.
5: The center shall collect environmental sensor operational status.
6: The center shall collect environmental sensor equipment fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
7: The center shall exchange data with maintenance centers concerning the reporting of faulty equipment and the schedule/status of their repair. Information exchanged includes details of new equipment faults, and clearances when the faults are cleared.
1: The center shall monitor data on traffic, environmental conditions, and other hazards collected from sensors along the roadway.
2: The center shall identify hazardous road weather and surface conditions.
3: The center shall identify hazardous traffic conditions including queues.
4: The center shall identify debris, animals, or other encroachment on the roadway dangerous to approaching motorists.
5: The center shall issue control commands to field equipment warning drivers approaching the identified hazardous conditions.
6: The center shall monitor the operational status of the dynamic warning equipment, including fault reports.
7: The center shall have the capability to receive real-time traffic (including location and speed), road conditions (e.g. ice, wet, etc.), and weather data (clear, rainy and snowy) from connected vehicles.
8: The center shall generate appropriate queue response strategies that include speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations based on local traffic, weather, and roadway conditions.
9: The center shall use collected data to detect the location, duration, and length of queue propagation, as a result of significant downstream speed reductions or stopped traffic.
1: The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers.
10: The center shall adjust signal timing in response to a signal prioritization, signal preemption, pedestrian call, multi-modal crossing activation, or other requests for right-of-way.
11: The center shall collect commercial vehicle data (e.g., characteristics, route, schedule) for intermodal freight events.
12: The center shall adjust signal timing in respond to traffic and environmental parameters at each intersection in real time and adapts so that the traffic network is optimized using available green time to serve the actual traffic demands while minimizing the environmental impact.
13: The center shall process collected traffic and environmental data from sensors and connected vehicles.
14: The center shall support requests from emergency management centers to provide responding emergency vehicles with signal preemption.
15: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements at or near signalized intersections.
16: The center shall maintain a database of traffic sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
17: The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic in the vicinity of traffic signals.
2: The center shall accept notifications of pedestrian calls.
3: The center shall collect traffic signal controller operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.
4: The center shall collect traffic signal controller fault data from the field.
5: The center shall manage (define, store and modify) control plans to coordinate signalized intersections, to be engaged at the direction of center personnel or according to a daily schedule.
6: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors.
7: The center shall manage boundaries of the control sections used within the signal system.
8: The center shall maintain traffic signal coordination including synchronizing clocks throughout the system.
9: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors and connected vehicles.
1: The center shall provide the capability to notify an enforcement agency when vehicle speeds in the work zone are in excess of the posted speed limit or are creating an unsafe condition based upon the current environmental or traffic conditions.
2: The center shall province the capability to control automated speed monitoring and speed warning systems.
3: The center shall monitor reduced speed zone warning field equipment.
4: The center shall control reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment, providing the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, the posted speed limit(s) with information about the applicability of the speed limit(s) (e.g., time of day, day of week, seasonality, relevant vehicle types) and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
2: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
3: The field element shall collect, digitize, and send multimodal crossing and high occupancy vehicle (HOV), and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data to the center for further analysis and storage.
4: The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.
5: The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.
6: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further wrong way vehicle entries analysis and detection.
1: The field element shall collect images or sensor data for pedestrians or bicyclists and respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
3: The field element shall inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.
1: The field element shall control traffic signals under center control.
10: The field element shall receive request for transit vehicle signal priority.
11: The field element shall receive request for commercial vehicle signal priority.
12: The field element shall report current commercial vehicle priority status to the center.
13: The field element shall receive requests for maintenance and construction vehicle signal priority.
14: The field element shall report current maintenance and construction vehicle priority status to the center.
15: The field element shall provide to roadside equipment the intersection geometry and signal phase movement information including phase and timing information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.
16: The field element shall provide data to the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
17: The field element shall receive requests for signal preemption.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian crossing requests by accommodating the pedestrian crossing.
20: The field element shall receive request for signal change from an emissions/environmental field device.
21: The field element shall report current emissions/environmental priority status to the center.
3: The field element shall provide the capability to notify the traffic management center of pedestrian calls and pedestrian accommodations.
4: The field element shall report the current signal control information to the center.
5: The field element shall report current preemption status to the center.
6: The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the center.
7: The field element shall return traffic signal controller fault data to the center.
8: The field element shall report current transit priority status to the center.
9: The field element shall report current intersection signal timing information to roadside equipment for transmission to connected vehicles.
1: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.
2: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under enforcement agency control.
3: If the speed detected by vehicle speed sensors is determined to be excessive, the field element shall provide a safe speed advisory to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in-vehicle signing systems, etc.).
4: The field element shall base speed advisories to passing drivers on environmental conditions.
5: The field element shall monitor notify an enforcement agency when a speed violation is detected.
6: The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling traffic or maintenance center; including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.
7: The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the enforcement agency.
8: The field element shall return fault data for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling center for repair.
9: The field element shall provide speed advisories to passing drivers.
1: The field element shall monitor for hazardous traffic conditions, including queues.
2: The field element shall monitor for hazardous road surface and local weather conditions.
3: The field element shall monitor for debris, animals, or other objects in the travel lanes.
4: The field element shall provide collected sensor data to the controlling center.
5: The field element shall autonomously identify potentially hazardous conditions and activate warning signs to approaching motorists.
6: The field element shall autonomously identify potentially hazardous conditions and activate warning signs to approaching micromobility users.
7: The field element shall receive commands from the controlling center that activate warning signs to approaching motorists.
8: The field element shall collect operational status of the warning system field equipment and report the operational status to the controlling center.
9: The field element shall monitor the warning devices and report faults to the controlling center.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The vehicle shall receive formatted traffic and travel advisories from a center and present them to the driver upon request.
10: The vehicle shall provide the capability of translating signage for presentation to the driver, including fixed signage, situational messages, or work zone intrusion messages.
11: The vehicle shall prioritize safety and warning messages to supersede advisory and other traveler messages.
12: The vehicle shall support interactive information requests in audio or manual form.
13: The vehicle shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the driver and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.
14: The vehicle shall base requests from the driver on the vehicle's current location, and filter the provided information accordingly.
15: The vehicle shall present traveler information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
16: The vehicle shall accept reservations for yellow pages services, non-motorized transportation information and event information.
2: The vehicle shall receive travel alerts from a center and present them to the driver. Relevant alerts are provided based on pre-supplied trip characteristics and preferences.
3: The vehicle shall receive yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the driver upon request.
4: The vehicle shall receive event information from a center and present it to the driver upon request.
5: The vehicle shall receive wide-area alerts from the center and present it to the traveler.
6: The vehicle shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.
7: The vehicle shall collect vehicle data and present it to the driver (including vehicle conditions, environmental conditions, safety and position warnings, and enhanced vision images) upon request.
8: The vehicle shall receive information on evacuation resources including self-evacuation options, anticipated pickup time and location if a transportation asset is to be deployed, destination shelter, and supporting information on what to bring, estimated reentry date/time, from a center and present it to the traveler.
9: The vehicle shall provide data from the vehicle itself to the driver. This vehicle data may include vehicle conditions, environmental conditions, safety or position warnings.
1: The vehicle shall monitor the area behind and in front of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.
2: The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle to determine if a control adjustment is needed.
1: The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and if a warning is needed.
2: The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object to warn the driver, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
4: The vehicle shall present vehicle control warnings information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
1: Vehicle shall provide vehicle path information to identify if vehicle is performing an unpermitted movement at an intersection such as a stop sign violation or running a red light.
2: Vehicle shall provide data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size.
4: The vehicle shall be capable of providing warnings to the driver based upon information received regarding pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicle.
5: The vehicle shall receive warning from the infrastructure if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.
4: The vehicle shall provide traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicle.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
2: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
3: The field element shall collect, digitize, and send multimodal crossing and high occupancy vehicle (HOV), and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data to the center for further analysis and storage.
4: The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.
5: The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.
6: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further wrong way vehicle entries analysis and detection.
1: The field element shall collect images or sensor data for pedestrians or bicyclists and respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
3: The field element shall inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.
1: The field element shall control traffic signals under center control.
10: The field element shall receive request for transit vehicle signal priority.
11: The field element shall receive request for commercial vehicle signal priority.
12: The field element shall report current commercial vehicle priority status to the center.
13: The field element shall receive requests for maintenance and construction vehicle signal priority.
14: The field element shall report current maintenance and construction vehicle priority status to the center.
15: The field element shall provide to roadside equipment the intersection geometry and signal phase movement information including phase and timing information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.
16: The field element shall provide data to the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
17: The field element shall receive requests for signal preemption.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian crossing requests by accommodating the pedestrian crossing.
20: The field element shall receive request for signal change from an emissions/environmental field device.
21: The field element shall report current emissions/environmental priority status to the center.
3: The field element shall provide the capability to notify the traffic management center of pedestrian calls and pedestrian accommodations.
4: The field element shall report the current signal control information to the center.
5: The field element shall report current preemption status to the center.
6: The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the center.
7: The field element shall return traffic signal controller fault data to the center.
8: The field element shall report current transit priority status to the center.
9: The field element shall report current intersection signal timing information to roadside equipment for transmission to connected vehicles.
1: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.
2: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under enforcement agency control.
3: If the speed detected by vehicle speed sensors is determined to be excessive, the field element shall provide a safe speed advisory to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in-vehicle signing systems, etc.).
4: The field element shall base speed advisories to passing drivers on environmental conditions.
5: The field element shall monitor notify an enforcement agency when a speed violation is detected.
6: The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling traffic or maintenance center; including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.
7: The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the enforcement agency.
8: The field element shall return fault data for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling center for repair.
9: The field element shall provide speed advisories to passing drivers.
1: The field element shall monitor for hazardous traffic conditions, including queues.
2: The field element shall monitor for hazardous road surface and local weather conditions.
3: The field element shall monitor for debris, animals, or other objects in the travel lanes.
4: The field element shall provide collected sensor data to the controlling center.
5: The field element shall autonomously identify potentially hazardous conditions and activate warning signs to approaching motorists.
6: The field element shall autonomously identify potentially hazardous conditions and activate warning signs to approaching micromobility users.
7: The field element shall receive commands from the controlling center that activate warning signs to approaching motorists.
8: The field element shall collect operational status of the warning system field equipment and report the operational status to the controlling center.
9: The field element shall monitor the warning devices and report faults to the controlling center.
1: The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong- way vehicles, to other connected vehicle field devices.
2: The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong-way vehicles, to equipped vehicles.
1: The field element shall monitor the operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) of connected sensors (such as traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed) and devices (such as highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security surveillance equipment).
10: The field element shall implement configuration commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.
2: The field element shall send operational status of connected field equipment to the maintenance center.
3: The field element shall send collected fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
4: The field element shall include a local interface that provides operational status and fault data for connected field equipment to field personnel.
5: The field element shall include a local interface that allows field personnel to command diagnostic tests on connected field equipment.
6: The field element shall provide operational status information to the Service Monitor.
7: The field element shall implement configuration commands received from an authorized Center.
8: The field element shall implement operational status commands received from an authorized Center.
9: The field element shall implement operational status commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.
1: The field element shall communicate with passing vehicles to provide the current signal phase and timing information for all lanes and approaches at a signalized intersection.
4: The field element shall receive signal priority requests from commercial vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controller.
5: The field element shall receive transit signal priority requests from transit vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controller.
1: The roadway equipment shall collect the current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) from personal information devices.
2: The roadway equipment shall communicate with approaching vehicles to alert and warn drivers of potential stop sign, red light, and non-motorized user crossing conflicts or violations.
3: The roadway equipment shall collect vehicle path information sent by a vehicle.
4: The roadway equipment shall provide current crossing status including permission to cross, crossing time remaining.
5: The roadway equipment shall send to Connected Vehicles intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current speed and location.
6: The roadway equipment shall send to connected vehicles a warning if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.
7: The field element shall collect current conflict monitor and intersection control data from the traffic signal controller.
1: The field element shall collect traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicles.
3: The field element shall provide data collection parameters to vehicles.
1: The field element shall communicate with on-board equipment on passing vehicles to collect current vehicle position, speed, and heading and a record of previous events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions.
2: The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center.
3: The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to other field elements.
1: The field element shall distribute traveler information including traffic and road conditions or upcoming work zones to passing vehicles using short range communications, under center control.
2: The field element shall distribute advisory information, such as evacuation information, wide-area alerts, incident information, work zone intrusion information, recommended speed limit and other special information to passing vehicles using short range communications, under center control.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
FDOT SWIFT Center - TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution
1: The center shall collect traveler information for distribution including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information.
2: The center shall distribute location relevant traveler information to short range communications equipment at the roadside.
3: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to monitor connected vehicle system operation and control the type and update frequency of traveler information that is distributed.
4: The center shall send eco-driving recommendations to connected vehicles so that the vehicle or the driver can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.
1: The center shall collect, process, and store traffic and highway condition information, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
2: The center shall select real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, transit information, parking information, special event and incident information.
10: The center shall provide all traveler information based on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter or customize the provided information accordingly.
15: The center shall provide the capability to exchange information with another traveler information service provider current or predicted data for road links that are outside the area served by the local supplier.
2: The center shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request.
3: The center shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request.
1: The center shall collect traffic probe data (speeds, travel times, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
2: The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
3: The center shall collect road condition data from probe-equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers.
4: The center shall collect probe data from toll administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.
5: The center shall aggregate collected traffic probe data, calculate route segment travel times, route segment speeds, route usage, and road weather information for dissemination to other centers.
1: The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
1: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
2: The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
3: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store multimodal crossing, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data under remote control of the center.
4: The center shall distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based on collected and analyzed traffic sensor and surveillance data to other centers.
5: The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding sensor and surveillance data collection, analysis, storage, and distribution.
6: The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
7: The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic.
1: The center shall provide current intersection safety status information.
2: The center shall provide warnings to drivers when non-motorized users are occupying a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.
3: The center shall provide warnings to pedestrians or bicyclists when vehicles are infringing on a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.
4: The field element shall be capable of providing intersection priority for pedestrians or bicyclists based upon requests from the pedestrians or bicyclists
5: The field element shall be capable of configuring roadside equipment to perform the collection and transmission of information to support intersection safety.
1: The center shall format and output sign information such as traffic and road conditions to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
2: The center shall format and output advisory information, such as detour information, wide-area alerts, work zone intrusion information, and other special information to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
4: The center shall receive system operational status from field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
5: The center shall receive system fault data from field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
1: The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) operational status.
2: The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) operational status.
3: The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
4: The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) fault data send to the maintenance center for repair.
5: The center shall collect environmental sensor operational status.
6: The center shall collect environmental sensor equipment fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
7: The center shall exchange data with maintenance centers concerning the reporting of faulty equipment and the schedule/status of their repair. Information exchanged includes details of new equipment faults, and clearances when the faults are cleared.
1: The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers.
2: The center shall accept notifications of pedestrian calls.
3: The center shall collect traffic signal controller operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.
4: The center shall collect traffic signal controller fault data from the field.
5: The center shall manage (define, store and modify) control plans to coordinate signalized intersections, to be engaged at the direction of center personnel or according to a daily schedule.
6: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors.
7: The center shall manage boundaries of the control sections used within the signal system.
8: The center shall maintain traffic signal coordination including synchronizing clocks throughout the system.
1: The center shall collect traffic probe data from vehicles via roadside field equipment.
2: The center shall collect road condition data from probe-equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers; the data may be aggregated and preliminarily processed at the sending center.
3: The center shall collect traffic data from traveler information centers based on data from their subscriber vehicles; the data may be aggregated and initial link time calculations performed at the sending center.
4: The center shall collect probe data from payment administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.
5: The center shall collect operational status for the roadside probe data collection equipment.
6: The center shall collect fault data for the roadside probe data collection equipment for repair.
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
12: The center shall receive alert notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public from emergency management.
13: The center shall receive low emission zone information from emission management.
15: The center shall coordinate information dissemination with other traffic management centers.
18: The center shall distribute wrong way entry data to emergency management centers and traveler information providers.
2: The center shall remotely control driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
3: The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.).
4: The center shall collect fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) for repair.
5: The center shall retrieve locally stored traffic information, including current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, traffic incident information, information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements), and the definition of the road network itself.
6: The center shall distribute traffic data to maintenance and construction centers, transit centers, emergency management centers, parking facilities, and traveler information providers.
7: The center shall distribute traffic data to the media.
8: The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control the nature of the data that is available to non-traffic operations centers and the media.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
2: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
3: The field element shall collect, digitize, and send multimodal crossing and high occupancy vehicle (HOV), and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data to the center for further analysis and storage.
1: The field element shall collect images or sensor data for pedestrians or bicyclists and respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
3: The field element shall inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.
1: The field element shall control traffic signals under center control.
10: The field element shall receive request for transit vehicle signal priority.
11: The field element shall receive request for commercial vehicle signal priority.
12: The field element shall report current commercial vehicle priority status to the center.
15: The field element shall provide to roadside equipment the intersection geometry and signal phase movement information including phase and timing information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian crossing requests by accommodating the pedestrian crossing.
3: The field element shall provide the capability to notify the traffic management center of pedestrian calls and pedestrian accommodations.
4: The field element shall report the current signal control information to the center.
5: The field element shall report current preemption status to the center.
6: The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the center.
7: The field element shall return traffic signal controller fault data to the center.
8: The field element shall report current transit priority status to the center.
9: The field element shall report current intersection signal timing information to roadside equipment for transmission to connected vehicles.
1: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.
2: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under enforcement agency control.
3: If the speed detected by vehicle speed sensors is determined to be excessive, the field element shall provide a safe speed advisory to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in-vehicle signing systems, etc.).
1: The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
2: The field element shall include driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control.
1: The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong- way vehicles, to other connected vehicle field devices.
2: The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong-way vehicles, to equipped vehicles.
1: The field element shall monitor the operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) of connected sensors (such as traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed) and devices (such as highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security surveillance equipment).
10: The field element shall implement configuration commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.
2: The field element shall send operational status of connected field equipment to the maintenance center.
3: The field element shall send collected fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
4: The field element shall include a local interface that provides operational status and fault data for connected field equipment to field personnel.
5: The field element shall include a local interface that allows field personnel to command diagnostic tests on connected field equipment.
6: The field element shall provide operational status information to the Service Monitor.
7: The field element shall implement configuration commands received from an authorized Center.
8: The field element shall implement operational status commands received from an authorized Center.
9: The field element shall implement operational status commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.
1: The field element shall communicate with passing vehicles to provide the current signal phase and timing information for all lanes and approaches at a signalized intersection.
5: The field element shall receive transit signal priority requests from transit vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controller.
8: The field element shall send a signal service request to the traffic signal controller when its application status determines the need for a signal change.
9: The field element shall collect current signal phase and timing data from the traffic signal controller.
1: The field element shall collect traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicles.
2: The field element shall provide vehicle situation data to a center for archival.
3: The field element shall provide data collection parameters to vehicles.
1: The field element shall communicate with on-board equipment on passing vehicles to collect current vehicle position, speed, and heading and a record of previous events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions.
2: The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center.
3: The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to other field elements.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
2: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
3: The field element shall collect, digitize, and send multimodal crossing and high occupancy vehicle (HOV), and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data to the center for further analysis and storage.
4: The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.
5: The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.
6: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further wrong way vehicle entries analysis and detection.
1: The field element shall collect images or sensor data for pedestrians or bicyclists and respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
3: The field element shall inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.
1: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.
2: The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under enforcement agency control.
3: If the speed detected by vehicle speed sensors is determined to be excessive, the field element shall provide a safe speed advisory to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in-vehicle signing systems, etc.).
4: The field element shall base speed advisories to passing drivers on environmental conditions.
5: The field element shall monitor notify an enforcement agency when a speed violation is detected.
6: The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling traffic or maintenance center; including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.
7: The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the enforcement agency.
1: The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
2: The field element shall include driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control.
3: The field element shall provide operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center.
4: The field element shall provide fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center for repair.
1: The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong- way vehicles, to other connected vehicle field devices.
2: The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong-way vehicles, to equipped vehicles.
1: The field element shall monitor the operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) of connected sensors (such as traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed) and devices (such as highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security surveillance equipment).
2: The field element shall send operational status of connected field equipment to the maintenance center.
3: The field element shall send collected fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
2: The field element shall send the request for emergency vehicle preemption to a traffic signal controller that results in preemption of the current control plan and grants right-of-way to the requesting vehicle.
4: The field element shall receive signal priority requests from commercial vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controller.
5: The field element shall receive transit signal priority requests from transit vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controller.
9: The field element shall collect current signal phase and timing data from the traffic signal controller.
2: The roadway equipment shall communicate with approaching vehicles to alert and warn drivers of potential stop sign, red light, and non-motorized user crossing conflicts or violations.
3: The roadway equipment shall collect vehicle path information sent by a vehicle.
5: The roadway equipment shall send to Connected Vehicles intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current speed and location.
6: The roadway equipment shall send to connected vehicles a warning if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.
7: The field element shall collect current conflict monitor and intersection control data from the traffic signal controller.
1: The field element shall collect traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicles.
2: The field element shall provide vehicle situation data to a center for archival.
3: The field element shall provide data collection parameters to vehicles.
1: The field element shall communicate with on-board equipment on passing vehicles to collect current vehicle position, speed, and heading and a record of previous events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions.
2: The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center.
13: The field element shall provide data about transit vehicle movement to approaching vehicles
2: The field element shall distribute advisory information, such as evacuation information, wide-area alerts, incident information, work zone intrusion information, recommended speed limit and other special information to passing vehicles using short range communications, under center control.
3: The field element shall distribute indicator and fixed sign information, including static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors) to equipment on-board vehicles under center control.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
1: The transit vehicle shall notify nearby vehicles using short range communications when making a passenger stop, merging, and performing other operations that require cooperation from surrounding traffic.
1: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
2: The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Object Registration and Discovery Service.
4: The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
5: The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
6: The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
1: The center shall collect traveler information for distribution including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information.
2: The center shall distribute location relevant traveler information to short range communications equipment at the roadside.
3: The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to monitor connected vehicle system operation and control the type and update frequency of traveler information that is distributed.
4: The center shall send eco-driving recommendations to connected vehicles so that the vehicle or the driver can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.
1: The center shall collect, process, and store traffic and highway condition information, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
2: The center shall select real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, transit information, parking information, special event and incident information.
1: The center shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request.
2: The center shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request.
3: The center shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request.
1: The center shall collect traffic probe data (speeds, travel times, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
2: The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
3: The center shall collect road condition data from probe-equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers.
4: The center shall collect probe data from toll administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.
1: The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
2: The center shall disseminate maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.
3: The center shall disseminate transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers.
1: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
2: The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
4: The center shall distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based on collected and analyzed traffic sensor and surveillance data to other centers.
6: The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
7: The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic.
8: The center shall monitor, analyze, and identify wrong way vehicle entries from traffic images received from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
1: The center shall provide current intersection safety status information.
5: The field element shall be capable of configuring roadside equipment to perform the collection and transmission of information to support intersection safety.
1: The center shall format and output sign information such as traffic and road conditions to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
4: The center shall receive system operational status from field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
1: The center shall monitor data on traffic, environmental conditions, and other hazards collected from sensors along the roadway.
2: The center shall identify hazardous road weather and surface conditions.
3: The center shall identify hazardous traffic conditions including queues.
4: The center shall identify debris, animals, or other encroachment on the roadway dangerous to approaching motorists.
5: The center shall issue control commands to field equipment warning drivers approaching the identified hazardous conditions.
8: The center shall generate appropriate queue response strategies that include speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations based on local traffic, weather, and roadway conditions.
9: The center shall use collected data to detect the location, duration, and length of queue propagation, as a result of significant downstream speed reductions or stopped traffic.
1: The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers.
10: The center shall adjust signal timing in response to a signal prioritization, signal preemption, pedestrian call, multi-modal crossing activation, or other requests for right-of-way.
15: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements at or near signalized intersections.
17: The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic in the vicinity of traffic signals.
2: The center shall accept notifications of pedestrian calls.
3: The center shall collect traffic signal controller operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.
4: The center shall collect traffic signal controller fault data from the field.
5: The center shall manage (define, store and modify) control plans to coordinate signalized intersections, to be engaged at the direction of center personnel or according to a daily schedule.
6: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors.
7: The center shall manage boundaries of the control sections used within the signal system.
8: The center shall maintain traffic signal coordination including synchronizing clocks throughout the system.
9: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors and connected vehicles.
1: The center shall collect traffic probe data from vehicles via roadside field equipment.
2: The center shall collect road condition data from probe-equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers; the data may be aggregated and preliminarily processed at the sending center.
3: The center shall collect traffic data from traveler information centers based on data from their subscriber vehicles; the data may be aggregated and initial link time calculations performed at the sending center.
4: The center shall collect probe data from payment administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.
5: The center shall collect operational status for the roadside probe data collection equipment.
6: The center shall collect fault data for the roadside probe data collection equipment for repair.
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
2: The center shall remotely control driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
3: The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.).
4: The center shall collect fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) for repair.
5: The center shall retrieve locally stored traffic information, including current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, traffic incident information, information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements), and the definition of the road network itself.
6: The center shall distribute traffic data to maintenance and construction centers, transit centers, emergency management centers, parking facilities, and traveler information providers.
7: The center shall distribute traffic data to the media.
8: The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control the nature of the data that is available to non-traffic operations centers and the media.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
1: The personal information device shall provide the current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) of the non-motorized travelers.
5: The personal traveler interface shall provide the traveler with warnings about approaching vehicles.
6: The personal traveler interface shall provide the traveler with an indication that an approaching transit vehicle is the one they want to board based on their input trip itinerary.
1: The ITS Object shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).
10: The ITS Object shall maintain cryptographic secret information so that those secrets are accessible only to ITS Security Support, and not to any other Functional Object.
11: The ITS Object shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
13: The ITS Object shall request permissions from the Center that manages permissions requests.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
6: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
8: The ITS Object shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
Vehicles - Light Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information
1: The vehicle shall receive formatted traffic and travel advisories from a center and present them to the driver upon request.
10: The vehicle shall provide the capability of translating signage for presentation to the driver, including fixed signage, situational messages, or work zone intrusion messages.
11: The vehicle shall prioritize safety and warning messages to supersede advisory and other traveler messages.
12: The vehicle shall support interactive information requests in audio or manual form.
13: The vehicle shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the driver and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.
14: The vehicle shall base requests from the driver on the vehicle's current location, and filter the provided information accordingly.
15: The vehicle shall present traveler information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
16: The vehicle shall accept reservations for yellow pages services, non-motorized transportation information and event information.
2: The vehicle shall receive travel alerts from a center and present them to the driver. Relevant alerts are provided based on pre-supplied trip characteristics and preferences.
3: The vehicle shall receive yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the driver upon request.
4: The vehicle shall receive event information from a center and present it to the driver upon request.
7: The vehicle shall collect vehicle data and present it to the driver (including vehicle conditions, environmental conditions, safety and position warnings, and enhanced vision images) upon request.
1: The vehicle shall monitor the area behind and in front of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.
2: The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle to determine if a control adjustment is needed.
5: The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board control automation applications.
10: The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board warning applications.
2: The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object to warn the driver, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
1: Vehicle shall provide vehicle path information to identify if vehicle is performing an unpermitted movement at an intersection such as a stop sign violation or running a red light.
3: The vehicle shall receive intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current location and speed.
5: The vehicle shall receive warning from the infrastructure if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.
1: The Vehicle shall obtain data collection parameters from Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
4: The vehicle shall provide traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicle.
5: The Vehicle shall provide data to Centers in accordance with data collection parameters provided by Centers/Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
6: The Vehicle shall provide data to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment. in accordance with data collection parameters provided by Centers/Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with Manatee county, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and other local traffic systems.
Obtain traffic signal priority from Manatee County's TSCS using county roadside field equipment for MCAT fixed-route transit vehicles.
Provide fixed-route bus service for Manatee County and the surrounding area.
Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on all fixed-route transit vehicles using their personal computing devices through mobile application.
Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on all fixed-route transit vehicles, including the ability to obtain a fare payment card at agency-owned transit kiosks or other kiosks.
Track and evaluate schedule performance on all MCAT fixed-route and paratransit vehicles.