Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FHP Statewide CAD

Status: Existing

Description: Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) Statewide Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) supports FHP Regional Dispatch across the State of Florida.

Stakeholder: FHP

Systems Interconnected
with the FHP Statewide CAD

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include FHP Statewide CAD:

Architecture Flows
to/from the FHP Statewide CAD:

FHP Statewide CAD flows into icon 911 Emergency Call Centers FHP Statewide CAD flows into icon FDOT District Transportation Management Centers using SunGuide FHP Statewide CAD flows into icon FHP Regional Dispatch FHP Statewide CAD flows into icon IRP Clearinghouse 911 Emergency Call Centersflows into iconFHP Statewide CAD FDOT District Transportation Management Centers using SunGuideflows into iconFHP Statewide CAD FHP Regional Dispatchflows into iconFHP Statewide CAD IFTA Clearinghouseflows into iconFHP Statewide CAD IRP Clearinghouseflows into iconFHP Statewide CAD MCSAW Central Systemflows into iconFHP Statewide CAD

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the FHP Statewide CAD:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with FHP Statewide CAD:

Last Updated 2/6/2025