Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

MCSAW Central System

Status: Planned

Description: Motor Carrier Size and Weight (MCSAW) Field Devices, Static and Virtual Sites at a weigh station are integrated into a centralized operating software which includes adjustable parameters for the screening of commercial motor carriers. Through the statewide MCSAW and a local fiber–optic network, the devices can screen for size, weight, safety, and other credentials at highway speed, ramp speed (45 mph), and at a static weigh–in. Each interstate weigh station will be connected to the MCSAW fiber–optic network for sharing of commercial vehicle screening information among WIM sites to reduce the need for re–screening a compliant commercial vehicle.

Stakeholder: FDOT Motor Carrier Size and Weight (MCSAW) Work Unit

Systems Interconnected
with the MCSAW Central System

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include MCSAW Central System:

Architecture Flows
to/from the MCSAW Central System:

MCSAW Central System flows into icon CVIEW MCSAW Central System flows into icon FDOT OS/OW Permit System MCSAW Central System flows into icon FHP CVE Vehicle MCSAW Central System flows into icon FHP Statewide CAD MCSAW Central System flows into icon Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System MCSAW Central System flows into icon MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites MCSAW Central System flows into icon MCSAW Field Devices MCSAW Central System flows into icon MCSAW Static Sites MCSAW Central System flows into icon Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities CVIEWflows into iconMCSAW Central System FDOT OS/OW Permit Systemflows into iconMCSAW Central System FHP CVE Vehicleflows into iconMCSAW Central System Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass Systemflows into iconMCSAW Central System MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sitesflows into iconMCSAW Central System MCSAW Field Devicesflows into iconMCSAW Central System MCSAW Static Sitesflows into iconMCSAW Central System Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilitiesflows into iconMCSAW Central System

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the MCSAW Central System:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with MCSAW Central System:

Last Updated 2/6/2025